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  1. Evening folks, As the title suggests, i am wondering if there is an optimal, safe or ANY way i can combine doing Gymnastic Strength Training™, in particular foundation 1, alongside the Rushfit DVD's (hoping you have heard of it!). Cut a long story short, i have very recently started F1, and am currently 6 weeks into my Rushfit workouts. I work in law enforcement, so would certainly like to keep my conditioning up, and improve it! But i would like to be able to progress in terms of strength too. Following conversations with others i keep being torn between - 1) GST + either Rushfit or running 2) Full body weight training 3xper week + Rushfit or running Basically i understand the importance of strength ( especially in my job) but there has to be that additional factor of cardio and conditioning. No doubt in my mind that GST can lead to incredible strength over time, but can it be combined with enough 'cardio' that i can also achieve solid levels of cardiovascular fitness? Sorry to go on, but there are people here WAY more knowlegable than me about these things, and i would really appreciate some opinions
  2. Vinni Williams

    Best Alternative to Stall Bars Yet!

    I have come up with the best alternative to stall bars yet! I mounted wood dowels in between my bathroom door using closet rod sockets. It was very easy anybody could do it. One of the great things about it is that you can take the bars down when your done. The whole setup cost me $14. Here is the final product. The more dowels you set up the more it will cost. A pullup bar is required. I have been wanting to do this for a while and finally had the time today to make it. You can put the bars at any height depending on your individual needs. The only supplies and tools you need are: Power drill Handisaw Level (iphone 5), 1-1/4" x 48" poplar wood dowels from Lowe's Wood closet rod sockets Extra screws You could also substitute the handisaw and power drill for a normal hand saw and screw driver. Also, I didn't use the screws that came with the closet sockets and instead used a longer sturdier screw. First select the height you want the bar and screw in the closet rod sockets on either side of the door frame, making sure they are level. Next, you will cut the dowel to the proper length, depending on the width of your door. You can do this my placing one end of the dowel in one door socket, Then line up the other end of the dowel with the closet rod socket on the other side of the door. Make a mark on the dowel where it touches the closet rod socket. Now, place the dowel in the sockets and there you have it! Very easy and cheap stall bars. Here is a picture of the stall bars in use. Stall bars are a necessary component to the Foundation Series. I have been using other methods for my exercises but I never felt I was getting the proper workout that I would get from stall bars. Now I can properly do the exercises and continue to move on in the Foundation Series! I looked all over the internet and gymnasticbodies.com and could not find anything similar to this. It has probably been done before but I could not find it. One down side to this set up is that it can only take so much weight. I would not hang from these bars with my full body weight. Depending on your door frame, and the type of support you use for the dowels, you could probably make something to support more weight. For now, it works with the exercises I need to do. In the near future, I will probably add more screws to the closet sockets for added strength. Also, the dowel will spin, but this can be easily fixed by adding a small screw in the open side of the closet socket. I hope someone else finds this as useful as I do. It is inexpensive, easy, and does not to a lot of damage to the door frame that will upset your parents or landlord. What do y'all think? Cheers!
  3. Boris Mikael Taube

    Program Critique

    Hello Im going to write down the program i maked. And im curiouhs what people think about that? Any tips etc. All the critque will be helpful. I dont know what to do if I should do the Foundation series. I see people that get AMAZING resutls but do they just really only follow the Foundation series or they do more traning ? Warm up: 1.General warm up 2.Wrist streches + wrist excercises from coach sommer 3.Scapula routine by ido portal 4.Shoulder band warm up by Gregor a gymnastic bodies member that he took from Jordan Jortchev 5. FSP L-sit(low) Planche lean German hang Wall hs Straddle l sit (bent legs) I do FSP 4 times a week. When im mastered all these moves 3*30 i going to start on F. lever, B.lever and planche work Session 1 1.HSPU negatives 5 second 5*2 A1.Row XR bulgarian 5*5 supersett with A2.Push ups XR 5*5 In the end of the session i always do one rehab/prehab exccercise for shoulder like cuban rotation og band pull Light streching 15-20 minutes Session 2. 1.strict MU on rings 5*2 A1. False grip L-tuck(working toward L-sit) Pull ups 5*3 A2.Dips rings 5*3 I throw in som rope climbing in the end if feeling good Light streching 15-20 minutes Session 3 General upwarming Squat routine by Ido portal 1.Pistol squat 3*14 rep A1.Shrimp squat 5*3-5 rep supersett A2.Leg raises 90 degree A1.GHR 5*3-5 supersett with A2.Straddle L-sit lift 5*10 Streching legs 30 minutes I do session 1 and 2. 2 times a week and legs 1 time. I have one day a week i do Just the warm up. Little more flexibilty work and light streching the whole body. What do you people think about the program?
  4. Clément POIRET

    Gb Wod For Earn Muscle Mass

    Hello all Well, I have a question, I will have rings and parallettes. I also have all the books of Vass TheSuperSaiyan, Overcoming Gravity, Convict Conditioning (1,2 SuperFAQ), and Building The Gymnastic Body, Raising The Bar (by Al Kavadlo) strengt Training Anatomy (by Frederic Delavier) Lafay methods and various books of Turbulence Training. I read most of these books and they all converge to almost the same type of WOD. However, even if I have more than a year of experience, having been assisted by the method Lafay does not help me to know how to design my own WOD correctly so I turned to the WOD of GymnasticBodies. Are they good for earn muscle mass ? thank you, Clement. PS : Sorry for my English, I'm French
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