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  1. Thiago  Gatto Tannus

    Shoulder clicking / discomfort (overdoing l-sit?)

    Hi all, I just joined GB and I'm really excited to start this journey. However, I believe I might have an injury in my right front shoulder (probably overuse in handstand practice and most likely l-sits, as I was practicing the latter very often). The symptom is the following: when I rotate my right arm backwards, on the way down (arm behind the body) as I pass the 90 degree angle (arm parallel to the floor) there is a big click like a tendon just got back in place in my front delt. I also feel a little click around the collar bone and discomfort when I simply push my arm straight down (as if pushing for the l-sit). It gets pretty uncomfortable and I feel my body asking for some shoulder extension stretching (like german hangs). I imagine these are not uncommon symptoms, what are you guys' thoughts on this? What are some general guidelines for optimal recovery (tips, exercises, protocols., etc)? So far I've just been hanging on a bar for like 10 minutes throughout the day and I also plan on doing the "Shoulder Recovery" routine that I saw on the platform yesterday (how often should I do this?). I appreciate any and all insights you guys have on this as I am really eager to recover and be injury-free.
  2. Hi all I'm reaching you guys asking for an advise for my shoulder and bicep injuries My training routine was bodyweight, Rings and some parallettes I also used Gymnasticbodies stretching series I injured my self I'm not sure how but probably was over training using the RINGS The MRI results is FINDINGS The right supraspinatus tendon demonstrates bright signal that is seen reaching the tendon articular surface but not its bursal surface. Right acromioclavicular joint arthropathy is noticed. Type II acromion. Intermediate signal seen involving the subscapularis and intra-articular long head of biceps tendons. Normal MRI appearance of the glenoid labrum, gleno-humeral ligaments and joint capsule. Subacromial subdeltoid bursal fluid distension is noted. Normal appearance of the articular cartilage of the shoulder joint. IMPRESSION Right supraspinatus tendon partial thickness tear. Right acromioclavicular joint arthropathy. Subacromial subdeltoid bursitis. Intra-articular long head of biceps and subscapularis tendinopathy. Doctor advised to take a rest and stop excersicing specially overhead exercises As I read that loading and exercising is better than resting for recovery Phisyo sessions here in Saudi Arabia are very expensive and most of it just Ice and laser therapy without any excersices What's your advice Should I rest or do any of GB programs or series And how long will it take to heal from your experience Thank you
  3. John Christiansen

    Rotator Cuff Surgery - handstands

    I’ve just had re-attachment surgery for a full rotator cuff tendon tear on my right (non dominant side) shoulder a week after an accident - and know it’s a slow recovery. I’ve not yet started PT. Also I’m late 40s. Im not sure which tendon it was (will ask on my follow up) but pre surgery I was unable to lift my arm forward or out to the side Im wondering what is possible long term - how strong the tendon will be in, say, a year. And what training positions could irritate it? prior to the accident I had a solid handstand (arms to ears), solid press to handstand, straddle hold/lever to handstand, front and back lever on rings. I have good flexibility, front and side splits and bridge kick over on floor. even without the surgery pressing down type movements didn’t hurt much - support position on rings/pommel, l-sit/half lever, straddle lever/hold - do these activate different tendons than lifting the arm to the front/side? I’d like to get back to where I was in time, is really only for fitness&interest thanks for any help and tips!
  4. Levente Horváth

    Can Planche training cause winging scapula?

    Hello, this summer I not trained a lot but stretched and relaxed instead because I found out I have scapular winging. I watched a lot of videos to inform myself but can't really find a way why my shoulders hurt a bit and my rhomboids always feel tight. Is it because of Planche training, I recognized instantly that I clearly don't have enough shoulder mobility because when I tried to elevate my arms the scapula came up, but my main problem I think is the rhomboids and every time I breathe heavy my spine crackles around the upper back area (it feels good tho).
  5. Hello gymnastic bodies, I have a question about shoulder training that I hope you can help me with. Is it acceptable to train your deltoids when you have problems with your rotator cuff, if there is no pain? After an injury some weeks ago I noticed that I cannot use my shoulder if the scapula is depressed, but I have no pain at all if it is protracted, so I can do my planch training without pain… But I’m quite scared about prolonging my rotator cuff problem, because I have developed an addiction to gymnastics, and the last weeks without training has been very depressing. I have been training gymnastics for about 10 months, and have generally been very pleased about both skill and strength gains. I train every day, but I have tried to adjust the training to signals from my body, and I stayed 100% free of injury. Then I was stupid! Workout in a gym with a younger(and stronger…) brother… For those of you with brothers you will understand the competition went crazy, and after a shoulder session including my first 5 sec back lever(yay), human flag and planch training we ended up with maxing on the bench press(with horrible form and flaring elbows)…. Looking back I’m very annoyed at myself for being so stupid, but the result was an injury in the ligament of one of the rotator cuff muscles, sharp pain and inability to use the shoulder for some days, and now a slow receding of pain over the last few weeks. -Sinom-
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