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  1. I have a GST All Access subscription. I answered the questions and the system created a work out program for me. I’ve been following the program schedule for one week. During my second week, I had to miss a day of training. Should I do the work out from the day I missed or should do the work out scheduled for that day?
  2. Janbek Qardan

    Customize my program

    Dear GB's and GB community, I would like to ask about programming my training routine: The quick brief I'm doing calisthenics for 3 years now but I had my down and injuries and all is going well and I train 5-6 times per week and I just have some questions: 1- should I move to these workouts and continue my current calisthenics routine or should I just focus on this program? 2- Can I adjust my program and add more exercises or just do the 3 A, B, C and then it is over? 3- I want to know how I can structure my workouts in the best possible way?
  3. I am looking for some guidance regarding the intro plan that includes fundamentals, restore, and bands. First off can you purchase this plan without having a gym fit subscription? I’ve read that the band series is only accessible with a gym fit subscription. Secondly, I would like some advice on whether this plan would be a good choice for me. I’ve been working on foundation 1, handstand 1 and the stretch series for a few years now with very slow progress due to a shopping list of nagging injuries (partial tear in rotator cuff, bicep tendinosis, Median nerve issue in palm, and some advanced degeneration around my TL junction). Within the last year, the middle split program and Cossack squats also started to cause an issue in my left hip/groin. I am wondering if taking a step back and incorporating the intro plan would be a good approach for me. Per week I am currently completing foundations 1, handstand and part of the TB series once. I now only complete one of MS and FS each week because if I do both, my groin is aggravated. I also complete hip rehab exercises twice a week and try to hang for around 6 minutes per day. I am particularly interested by the restore course, as well as the band series. I’m not so sure fundamentals would be as useful to me. Would someone with more knowledge of these courses be able to chime in on whether someone in my position would benefit from all of these three courses or maybe just one in particular?
  4. Ben Nagy

    Custom Workout Routine

    Hi guys, I've just started a push/pull/leg/push/pull training regimen and I find it interesting so far,although I have some questions. 1) First of all Straight Arm Strength. I tried to group exercises based on their motion e.g. I put HS, press to HS and planche practise to push days and front-back lever to pull days(idk why, it just seemed logical), but I'm a bit confused since even on push days the biceps are under a great amount of tension -especially during planche. It is followed by pull day where obviously the biceps are working hard. This way they cannot recover properly(?) So, my question is, should I stop doing straight arm exercises (which sounds dumb) or the body can handle this amount of stress. Or what the heck should I do? 2) I also put core on pull days, since they are mainly doing a pulling motion but I find exercising my core only two days a week not enough. So do you think that I can do it maybe three times? Or again what should I do? Thanks in advance for your reply.
  5. Ben Mariri

    Is there an App in development

    I'm sure this has been asked previously but is there an ios app in development? logging in to the internet on my phone to watch the videos is not so great.
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