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  3. Alessandro Mainente

    Middle delts in Gymnasticbodies

    Hi Victor, i do not know when i've said this think probably not in 2020+. probably i would decrease this weigth oh the shoulder press down to half of the bw or something more. and probably i would add the isolated movement early in some program for some students. said that, the fact that 99% of people do the lateral raises wrongly is basically TRUE. i can go tomorrow (not in my gym...they are done pretty well) and touch traps of 10 people and feel them squeezed 100% in all the cases. Taking the work with the traps is a technical problem, nothing to do with basic strength of the deltoids. Said that there are 3 exercises that targets middle deltoids, i will talka bout 2, the last one it is something i've invented and i share it only with my clients: 1) side plank on the elbow.. lean a bit until the shoulder drops after the elbow and hold like if you want to do a lateral raises 2) handstand pushup with full range of motion and on the scapular plane.
  4. Victor A MOUCLIER

    Middle delts in Gymnasticbodies

    Hi Gymnasticbodies, I just compilate 2 post written by two of the most knowledgeable people of this forum about the middle delts, wich will lead to 2 questions Coach Allessandro Mainente wrote : "usually in my gym when I have personal training session for bodybuilders I NEVER insert lateral raises if you cannot perform a barbell shoulder press with almost bodyweigth. The reason it is simply that if you do not have very strong front and lateral delt all the effort it taken by the upper traps and supraspinatus," Can someone elaborate how heavy shoulder pressing is supposed to modify your biomechanic of shoulder abduction in order to prioritize the middle deltoid instead of the supraspinatus and upper traps ? Also is there any other way to activate your middle deltoid beside beign able pressing your entire bodyweight ? Joshua Naterman wrote : "[Midddle delts] are a different kind of muscle belly than anterior and posterior delts, they are pennate instead of fusiform. This means that they have a shorter ROM but produce much more force in their ROM. Perhaps now you can see why these are not easily worked with bodyweight at first" Can someone recommend an exercice variations that target this specific ROM of the middle delts ? Thank you in advance for reading my questions Wish everybody a good and healthy training !
  5. Victor A MOUCLIER

    • Victor A MOUCLIER
    • Joshua Naterman

    Hi Joshua !

    What is your favorite exercice to specifically target the middle delts ?

    You used to recommend bands for it a decade ago so what would be the most optimal band exercice for it ?

    Thank you

  6. Earlier
  7. Alessandro Mainente

    Adding Handstands to begginer guided training

    not necessarily...probably i'll ask you to still do the hansdstand program from the beginning..
  8. Goran Krmic

    Adding Handstands to begginer guided training

    Ok, thank you. Can I ask you what would you advise to a begginer? To stick with Foundation and worry about Handstands later?
  9. Alessandro Mainente

    Adding Handstands to begginer guided training

    well at the moment seems that the platform does not support this option.
  10. Goran Krmic

    Adding Handstands to begginer guided training

    Hey. Thank you for replying. Not a test phase, but included with the guided training. When I signed up I filled up a questionnaire that gave me the intermediate path to follow. Its great and I would like to keep it and keep progressing on it. Im just not sure how to start handstand training. Can it be added to the program I'm following? So it shows me the exercises with sets and reps and keeps my progress
  11. Alessandro Mainente

    Adding Handstands to begginer guided training

    hey Goran, do you refer to the possibility to add it to the program but with a a sort of "test phase" before?
  12. Hi everyone. I just started with my training two weeks ago and I am loving every session. Even after this short time i feel better in my body. Stiffness is starting to go away and I move better. I have a question about implementing handstand training with the guided training that I have been given. I am really loving it and I don't want to mess it up because I don't know much about proper programing. How would I go about it? Is there a way to make the handstand training also guided? Can it be combined with the guided training that I'm following? I apologize if something similar has already been asked here. I would appreciate some help. Thank you in advance
  13. Alessandro Mainente

    Advice needed please :) - Lower back issue

    Hi Aaron , if i'm not wrong i can seee that if you bend you feel pain....now since the problem come out after a back squat , did you get an MRI after so many years? and.... have you ever tried to stretch the hamstring without bending at all? like the pic below? the most impostant tip it is to hold the buttotck on the side your are stretching on the floor.
  14. Hello, I've got some lower back issues I could really use some advice on. I'm a relative newbie at anything gymnastics related, but about 9 years ago I first came here and got some great help. Anyway, I'll try to be brief but this might take a bit to write. Really appreciate anyone who gets through it ...the "tldr" is the last sentence. Basically I had lower back issues all throughout my late 20's to mid 30's. I didn't realize it was related to tight hamstrings until I found Gymnastic bodies. Kind of crazy but I only did Crossfit, and never stretched, during those years, and in hindsight it's super obvious why I had back issues. I started stretching regularly, and voila, no back issues whatsoever for probably 6 years. A couple years ago though, I was lifting some heavier weight over head, and tweaked my back. It eventually healed, but it was pretty bad for a couple months. Onto my current issue. It feels like stretching actually aggravates my back. I used to basically be able to tell, if I got tight enough I couldn't touch my toes, by back would be tight. I would then stretch and it was fine. I recently was on a sailboat for a week, and going into it I was thinking 'this is not going to be good for my back'. But I never felt better. And only got 500 steps per day on that boat, and zero stretching. So now, if I go a week without stretching/working out, my back feels great. But if I run/workout at all, my hamstrings get really tight, and then when I try to stretch it out I have back issues. Something just seems off/backwards about all this. Anyway, any thoughts would be fantastic. I try to do Jefferson curls, bridge exercises when I can, but could certainly be more religious about it. Jefferson curls seem to help some but can't be 100% sure. Also I do have some anterior pelvic tilt. I've tried the psoright but haven't noticed much difference. Overall it's lower back nerve pain that feels like it's caused by muscle tightness pulling on the back nerves, except now, stretching seems to aggravate it instead of fixing it like it used to for years. Any thoughts would be very very much appreciated. Thank you!
  15. Alessandro Mainente

    Questions on the workouts

    you're welcome!
  16. Clint Haynes

    Questions on the workouts

    Perfect. Thanks so much!
  17. Alessandro Mainente

    Questions on the workouts

    yes but only if you log the progress.
  18. Clint Haynes

    Questions on the workouts

    Aha. So, then you'll do step 2 of 9 the following week, step 3 of 9 the next week and so on?
  19. Alessandro Mainente

    Questions on the workouts

    hey Clint nope, once you've logged the workout it automatically moves over the step 2 o 9 etc..
  20. Clint Haynes

    Questions on the workouts

    I'm a little confused on the worksouts. I've included a screenshot circling where it says "Step 1 of 9" underneath each pair of exercises. Does this mean we need to do all 9 steps before advancing to the next set of exercises? Thanks
  21. Alessandro Mainente

    Pistol Weighted Mobility : What if Pistol Squats was Level 1?

    Hi Justin, well in the long term a weigthed variation is necessary...even 2 legged..
  22. Alessandro Mainente

    Stretch Series

    this is nromal...stretch has the sane impact on nervous system as strength training..
  23. Iwona Monika Kultys

    Stretch Series

    I do this and stretch series in wednesday and saturday but I feel after stretching series how my the nervous system is lethargic
  24. Alessandro Mainente

    Stretch Series

    Well you can do it twice, consider that strong muscles tend to responder better. are you doing any sort of strength training for the lower body?
  25. Iwona Monika Kultys

    Stretch Series

    Thank you because I can do a front split but i have a problem with middle split for the best result once a week with middle split it’s will be the best ?
  26. David Nguyen 418903

    My Top Ten List of strength elements on rings

    “Incline” and “reverse incline” are progressions for both the 360Elevator and Superfly. The Incline involves dropping the chest lower than the hands. The movement must be done strict, with hands in line with hips and lower body higher than hands. The goal is to get shoulders lower than hands. Reverse incline can be done with a slight bend in the hips. It’s important to have a high back angle with lower body higher than shoulders. Incline and reverse incline can be done on parallel bars and rings. The prerequisites are planche, maltese, inverted cross and reverse planche.
  27. Alessandro Mainente

    Stretch Series

    Yes of course you can do it once a week...
  28. Iwona Monika Kultys

    Stretch Series

    Okey I train with stretch series 6 day a week but i feel very tired after stretching series Can I do stretch serie one a week ? Or I must to training twice a week with front split and middle split ?
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