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Elbow Positioning in a Handstand


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First, I'd like to start by saying I finally got the book and it looks fantastic!

On to my question, when I do a handstand (and I may be overthinking this) do you rotate your shoulders in or out. When I rotate my shoulders out, it seems to rotate my elbows where they point behind me. This seems like the correct way. Or if I rotate my shoulders in my elbows seem to point sideways.

Can someone please let me know which way is correct?


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Neither. Should be in between the two. My elbows are gonna point backwards and out at ~45 degrees when doing a handstand. Just focus on elevation of the scapulae.

If you were doing a skill out of it such as handstand pushup, it's best to have the elbows come in towards your body in which case your shoulders will automatically adjust.

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This also depends upon the flexibility in your elbows.

Ideally, we want the " eye " of the elbow, the inner part where it folds in to point out. If you can get this to open out more to the front, your HS can be in a more stable position.

If your elbows have hyperflexion, this is easy. If they round in, you'll have to adjust your hand placement.

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