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pommel horse elbow pain

Alessandro Mainente

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Alessandro Mainente

during the last session on pommel horse and expecially on the floor i felt a pain in the external part of the elbow during the portion of shifting the weigth from an arm to the other...

normally during the day or bent arm skills i don't feel pain, no pain in planche, rings handstand or pbars handstand.

the skills where i usually feel pain are:

-circles and flares

-handstand on floor (notice that when the arm has the inner part of the elbow facing forward i don0t feel pain, when i hold the hand on floor and i intra rotate the rigth arm so that the inner part is facing to the left i feel a little pain sometime in the external part)

-deep back pulls but not back lever

seems that the problem is concerned with hyper extension when the arms bones are aligned in a particular way.

this is a common problem for who performs circles or straigh arms movements where there is a slam on the floor with straigth arms?

i'm planning to eliminate al the movements with straigth arms wich can provoke pain or is better stop with straigth arms work?

i have to be honest that i hate eliminate a skill because i have always fear to lose it..

thanks fot he answers

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Coach Sommer

Your pommel horse volume is too high for your current level of conditioning. Take at least a one week break from all pommel horse work and then, if pain free, you may begin training pommels again; but at a much lower volume and intensity.

Yours in Fitness,

Coach Sommer

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Alessandro Mainente

thanks Coach.

Just for my curiosity and only if you have time for answer, how is the approach of your gymnast to the pommel?

for example, between 2 consecutive attempts how much they take a rest? and how much practice is needed (time or n° of rounds)?

as for the iron cross there is an effective elbows warm up or preparation routine for pommel/floor work?

thanks for your time

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For how long have you started training on pommel horse?

How long do you work on pommel horse each session?

How frequently do you work on pommel horse during the week?

For warmup, are boy's generally just do basic swings and circles. My guys used to warmup with the wrist series prior.

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Alessandro Mainente

- i started 2 years ago pommel horse/mushroom, but consider that i usually do breaking sets where i do flares, airflares and some other skills on the hands since 5 years

-i include the pommel work at the end of breaking session (so after at least 1 hour and half of practice, consider that in this hour and half i out at the start of session airflare wich is the only move with loocked arms, i do 10-12 attempts) and max 20 minutes, less if the quality becoming poor.

-at least 3 times a week, never on consecutive days

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Have you recently changed the amount of time you are on pommel or any other event? Are you pushing harder on strength say, on rings?

Obviously back off, and try to figure out what is the cause. This is just a warning sign.

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Alessandro Mainente

2 weeks ago i did an intense session...maybe was this!!

i limit the rings use for hs, 1-2 routines to maintain the skills.. i usually use them for strength exercises but max 1 or 2 exercise in a training session

the elbow is a little bit better now...hs without problem! but sure i have to wait

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  • 2 weeks later...

totally anecdotal but one of the coaches told me i had "pommel elbow" when i had a similar pain, stretching the triceps and massaging the deep connection made it feel tons better. It took 3 weeks of light workouts until it went away completely.

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