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Hip elevation and breathing

Larry Roseman

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Larry Roseman

Three seperate and perhaps related items ...

1) When I use a foam roller under my SI joint, I feel the left side drop with a small pop. It's pleasant and it feels like it relieves some minor tension.

2) When the foam roller is under the hip and raising it about 6-7" off the ground it feels so much easier to breathe.

The air comes in to my lungs and fills them deeper. Breathing in and out is slower and almost fully diaphramatic it feels.

I don't know if it's the angle of my hip, or the lower back or rib cage being elevated but I'm wondering if this points to some kind of restriction somewhere and is there an indication that something could be stretched to breath like this normally?

So relaxing I think I may stay in that position more often.

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Aaron Griffin

See a doctor? Diagnosis of stuff like this over the internet is pretty impossible.

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Larry Roseman

More of a stretching and flexibility question; these are subclinical symptoms so dr wouldn't have any interest.

The speech thing I agree could use a speech therapist but I removed that now as it doesn't seem related to the positioning...

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The hip pop is a very common experience, the truth is what causes it is still uncertain. Some say its the sacrum shifting others that it's the ligaments shifting. In any case I wouldn't worry about it if it happens, or if it doesn't happen.

The elevated hips position is commonly used in yoga for just that effect, again there is nothing odd going on here, most people will feel the same if the position is set up properly. It's very, very relaxing to lay with the hips elevated and the feet propped up against a wall. Enjoy it.

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Larry Roseman
The hip pop is a very common experience, the truth is what causes it is still uncertain. Some say its the sacrum shifting others that it's the ligaments shifting. In any case I wouldn't worry about it if it happens, or if it doesn't happen.

The elevated hips position is commonly used in yoga for just that effect, again there is nothing odd going on here, most people will feel the same if the position is set up properly. It's very, very relaxing to lay with the hips elevated and the feet propped up against a wall. Enjoy it.

Cool thanks!

Do you think the easing is due to the diaphram having less resistance or some other factor that can be worked on? It would be nice if that feeling could be carried around after getting up!

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