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Lost lots of strength and elbows problem...

Martin de Jesus Ponce Robaldino

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Martin de Jesus Ponce Robaldino

Well i write this topic in order to know what i've been doing wrong.

I have been strength training with GB methods, and, i have got some excelent results!

But, recently i got sick for a couple weeks and then everything went bad.

Before getting sick i used to work front and back levers, l-sit and handstands.

in back lever i achieved a full progression and was able to hold it for 5-6 secs with decent form (palms facing down and legs straight at the level of hips and torso.)

With front lever i wa able to get advanced tuck for something like 18 secs.

in handstands i can hold them against the wall for more than a minute.

In dynamic strength/exersices i was able to perform rings pushups, horizontal rows, supine korean dips, wide l-sit pullups, negative headstand pushups, and other dinamic exersices with ease.

After getting sick, i lost 3 kilo, and i wasn't able even to hold a half lay back lever, as i began to feel lots of strain in my biceps and felt that my elbows were hyperextending. In front lever, now i'm not able to hold a correct scapula position in an advanced tuck variation, as i can't retract my shoulders enough and feel a little impingnment in my left shoulder. Handstands are equal (i suppose it's due to handtands are skill work more than strength work). And in dynamic exersices i lost lots of strength. Now i can only do normal pushups , chinups, horizontal rows, normal dips, and other things, but i don't feel as strong as before. I really feel too much weaker than before.

I want to suppose it's due to sickness, but what i'm most worried about of are my elbows, which i feel that hyperextend a lot even in a skin the cat, and my left shoulder, which don't let me perform some exersices in a correct way....

Do you think might be an optimal solution to go very back and work all my FSP from the "beggining" and taking lots of care to my biceps tendon and shoulders mobility/stability and strengthening them?

Thank you all in advice

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Nic Branson

You answered your own question. Back to basics and see how things feel. Watch the elbow make sure you did not injure it. Lesson learned here is that after a bad sickness do not assume you can resume exactly where you were. Also because your body starts to feel better does not mean it is. You can function but the sickness is not gone yet and the body still needs to move from a large immune response back to "normal."

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Rik de Kort
You answered your own question. Back to basics and see how things feel. Watch the elbow make sure you did not injure it. Lesson learned here is that after a bad sickness do not assume you can resume exactly where you were. Also because your body starts to feel better does not mean it is. You can function but the sickness is not gone yet and the body still needs to move from a large immune response back to "normal."


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Martin de Jesus Ponce Robaldino

Thanks a lot to you both =)

Now i have one more question:

In case that my elbows tend to hyperextend in back lever with palms facing down, what do you reccomend, to continue working them in that way, or working them in a pronated grip untill i get my bicep strength again?


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Sorry to hear about your injuries following your sickness and lay back. :(

Have you taken antibiotics during your illness? What were they?

(Some antibiotics attack the tendons and soft tissue)

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That's a good point Fred.

martinponce, you'll get your strength back, just be patient and train smart during your recovery. I'd say the biggest training mistake I made in my life was training during a cold. I didn't know better and wound up with respiratory problems that I still have to contend with.

Let nature take it's course, and you'll recover and continue to progress, it's just hard to be patient.

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