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Rings routine


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Hi, I would know what You think of this ring routine.

I workout on rings since june 2011, and I workout as Coach says in his book, added to my coach advice.

I manage to reach all the skill of the routine in 1-1.5 years.

1)muscleup to back lever B

2)kip to lsit B

3)foward roll stretched B

4)press to handstand

5)swing to straddle lsit B

6)straddle planche B

invertef hang

7)kip to iron cross, or swing to cross C

8)press to lsit C

9)dislocate or swing to handstand A or C

10)back giant (no hold in handstand) B

11)back salto 1/1 B

Dscore 2.5 + 2.0 Right?

Now i can handle (or I'm near to handle) number 1-2-3, dislocate and back salto (without fulltwist). And I'm working on press to handstand, swing, straddle planche on floor (only 1-2 sec), and IC pulls and isometric (50°-60 is the max i've reached).

What you think? Is a good constructed routine?

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Can you do this? If you can definitely post a vid. If not are you close?

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  • 3 weeks later...

1)muscleup to back lever B 4. group IN

2)kip to lsit B 1. group IN

3)foward roll stretched B 4. group IN

4)press to handstand A+A (probably from L seat) 4. gruop + 4. group OUT

5)swing to straddle lsit B 1. group IN

6)straddle planche B 4. group IN

invertef hang

7)kip to iron cross, or swing to cross C 3. group IN

8)press to lsit C 4. group IN

9)dislocate or swing to handstand A or C 1. or 2. group IN (if C other wise not)

10)back giant (no hold in handstand) B 1. group IN

11)back salto 1/1 B 5.group and does not count for group bonus (you need at least c for 0.3 or D for full 0.5 tenses) IN




Cx3=3x0.3=0.9 (with swing to HS)



ALL 0.9+1.4=2.3


1. 0.5

2. 0.5 (with swing to HS)

3. 0.5

4. 0.5

5. 0.0

ALL 2.0

So it is : 2.3+2.0

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If possible I would do:

1. MU to BL B

2. Kip to Cross C

3. Press to L-seat C

4. Press to HS A

5. Giant swing forward (or backward, but it's nicer forward because you do all in the same direction of movement along this exercise) B

6. Giant swing to HS C

7. Swing to stradle seat B

8. Press to stradle Planche B

9. Dislocate A

10. Salto backward 360° B

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No, I can't do most of the exercise. This is a wish list for an exercise.

Now I can do muscleup to back lever, kip lsit, bent arm bent body press to handstand.

Near to stretched foward roll, iron cross, and dislocate (I take a shoulder hit sometime doing dislocate).

I had some problem with my left wrist, so I can't do any swing training. Now I'm doing summer conditioning with weight, because gymnastic gym is closed. I workout advanced tuck planche, wall press handstand, pseudo maltese, bowers and some other things at home.

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ah ok.

I but I think my order of exercises would be nicer to see, as it would look more fluent and lesser change of directions :wink:

Keep up with training and proceed step by step :mrgreen:

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Ok thanks for advice, now I think that I will work more on planche, because I'm still weak in planche.

My coach says to do straight arm press to handstand, and not bent arm, I can do bent but still not the straight arm.

Another question: You work with pulley system? I can do almost all movement on that, but some of them are easier than other, for example maltese is easier than planche, maltese to inverted cross is easier than planche to handstand.

Why there are these difference with Rings? Isn't maltese harder than planche, or maltese press to inverted cross harder than planche2handstand?

How you see pulley system for understanding position and movement? And is also good to use that after warmup, to prepare joint for rings work?

The only thing that I can't do on pulley is butterfly, I still have some bent arm :(

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[b]defenitly work on straight arm press to HS!! It's one of the elemntary exercises for ring strength (for muscle strength and connective tissue) to prepair yourself for higher ranking stuff.

I said bent for competitive routine because, when you are tired there is no reason to do straight arm for 0.1 tense if it will be deducted (it's one of the most deducteble elements especialy for not well skilled: touching rings leather with lower arm is 0.3, just slightly bent 0.1 tense and all just for 0.1 higher start score and possible higher fatique? did I spell right? :mrgreen: ). If you can do it deductless in competitive routine then do it.

Don't do pully anymore for almost half a year (accidence: belt opened and felt on steal wire on my neck. I got neck cuts and will have remember for whole my life in 2 spots :mrgreen: ). I did that alot for warming up before real strength training. I had alot of that written at my topic in this subforum (it's sticky topic). Also fo understanding the movement is good just to one extent, you need to do it also spotted and alone without any assistance. It's simillar but not same.

Depends from people to people: it's easier for me and harder for you, but in general harder for everyone.

The only thing that I can't do on pulley is butterfly, I still have some bent arm

Don't do bent, it will became a habbit. You can always do negatives or pully with aditional rubber bands to help you.

PS: is it just me or bolded text is not prominent enough? I can bearly notice it... :|

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Rik de Kort

PS: is it just me or bolded text is not prominent enough? I can bearly notice it... :|

Yeah, I get that too. Just underline it or italicize and it'll be clear.

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PS: is it just me or bolded text is not prominent enough? I can bearly notice it... :|

Yeah, I get that too. Just underline it or italicize and it'll be clear.

I did. Good suggestion.

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For press to handstand I'm working wall presses, because I'm not yet strong. My shoulder aren't strong enough, infact I'm still working to reach 20" in advanced tuck planche.

I read many time your topic :D , but You are an elite gymnast, I was asking if It could be useful for a newbie gymnast like me. I will use that only for warmup, and I'll work a lot on spotted and free position.

I tried spotted planche maltese and cross, but is very tiring for instructor because I'm still weak for them.

Fortunately I have good arm strenght and I never bent the arm, I bent them trying butterfly cross from the bottom, but when I work on them I do cross drop from 90° cross to 130-140° and return in cross, my instructor says me to work on this exercise, to strenghten normal Iron Cross.

Now I'm workout at weight gym, I do 3-4 workout for week, In a normal workout I do 2 multijoint exercise like, 2 exercise that mimic ring element and 2-3 exercise for body conditioning, like forearm, biceps, traps, posterior delts.

The exercise that mimic ring element are Iron cross with cable, maltese-planche with cable or with dumbell and Inverted cross with dumbell or cable.

I do 4-5x15" isometric and 4 sets of 6-10 reps of pulls, like cross pulls or back lever to maltese to planche presses.

You think that is good to work in this way?

Can you compare approximately full planche or maltese difficulty to dumbell weight? Like 30Kg each dumbell are near to the shoulder effort of full planche-maltese?

I know that is different stress, but only to know how much strenght on shoulder I must gain :wink:

Thanks for the help

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I will use that only for warmup, and I'll work a lot on spotted and free position.

Didn't understood me. I use it for warm ups only, because it's to easy for me, because I needed to warm up aditionaly on rings with spot or easier exercises (easier for me).

If exercise represent challenge, then defenitly use it as strength exercise.

Now I'm workout at weight gym, I do 3-4 workout for week, In a normal workout I do 2 multijoint exercise like, 2 exercise that mimic ring element and 2-3 exercise for body conditioning, like forearm, biceps, traps, posterior delts.

The exercise that mimic ring element are Iron cross with cable, maltese-planche with cable or with dumbell and Inverted cross with dumbell or cable.

I do 4-5x15" isometric and 4 sets of 6-10 reps of pulls, like cross pulls or back lever to maltese to planche presses.

You think that is good to work in this way?

Depends on many things...do you work simultynsly in gymnastics gym? I would use this exercises in gym together with rings training exercise...

Why so many reps?

Can you compare approximately full planche or maltese difficulty to dumbell weight? Like 30Kg each dumbell are near to the shoulder effort of full planche-maltese?

Not so simpl :lol:

Maybe litlle less then half of your weight with each hand....

How old are you and how much time do you already train?

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Gymnastic gym is now closed, and open in october. I will workout all the summer 3-4 times in gym, and 3 with bodyweight exercise in the rest day of weight. I will do planche progression, planche push up, wall press to handstand, bowers, pseudo maltese, front lever and some other variation of these exercise.

With pulley system I can hold almost every position more than 20", last day I did some sequence of azarian cross 15-20", press to inverted 15-20" and lower to maltese 15-20". I cound work on more difficult variation like back lever press to maltese, that I can't do more than one.

I started gymnastic at 20 years, now I'm 22, for this I do some series with high repetition, to build up tendons resistance, normally I do 3x6 and 1x10. I'll lower to 4-6 if it's better.

When gymnastic gym is open I workout there 4 times a week, 2 hours; I do warmup, stretching and pre-acrobatic for a total of 40', and after I do 30-40' of skill work and 30' of conditioning, and finally 10 minutes of cooldown, stretching.

Other day I do some isometric progression, core strenght and other bodyweight exercise at home, like 3-4 times a week for 1-1:30 hour.

I do gymnastic for fun, I like a lot this sport. Maybe I'll do some regional competition, I'm Italian.

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