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Assessment of My Current Routine. Please Help.

Aaron Hughson

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Aaron Hughson

1. Plank: 25s/25s/25s

2. Reverse Plank 30s/30s/30s

3. Hollow Holds: 15s/15s/15s

4. Arch Holds (Supermans): 20s/20s/20s

5. Chin Up Grip Dead Hangs: 10s/10s/10s

6. Parallel Bar Support: 15s/15s/15s

7. PU FX: 10/10/10

8. PU FX Decline 5/5/5

9. Wall HS: 10s/10s/10s

10. Squat Box Jumps: 5/5/5

So here's my routine for the last couple weeks. I only tested for max in the plank, reverse plank, and hollow hold. Cutting my max in half and doing 3 sets.

SSC is the name of the game here.

Points of concern...

I feel myself running out of energy and power towards the PU's. To the point that I can not perform wall HS (back to wall).

I do this same routine Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

My questions are...

Should I retest for my maxes in each exercise and change accordingly to the new data? If so how should I test?

Should I change anything? Are there any beginner level progressions I should add. Anything I should take away?

I also have a concern of doing this same routine 3 days a week should I have a different set of exercises on say Wednesdays?


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Rik de Kort

Do either FX pushups 3x10 or FX decline pushups 3x5, but not both. Do your HS work first as well. You can easily do pushups after HS work because your chest doesn't really activate during HS work, but the triceps in pushups gets fatigued and that's an essential component in HS work. As far as I know, at least.

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I'll chime it for educational purposes: (I have been doing something similar for the last 3 weeks); Let's see if I learned something :D

- What Rik De Kort said about PU and HS placement; maybe rotate a PU variation with a Dip variation.

- Add a pulling exercise: Alternate rows with a variation of pull ups.

(One day dips and pull ups, another day, push ups and rows.)

- Eat a source of glucose between your statics & your workout & take a 3-5 min break.

- Maybe you should add an abs exercise in there? Maybe V-ups

- Why don't you try to accumulate 60s in each static? (4x15s i/o 3x15s, and 6x10s i/o 3x10s)

- Are you doing mobility work as part of your warm up?

- What about stretching?

- Are you well rested? How about your nutrition?


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Rik de Kort

- Maybe you should add an abs exercise in there? Maybe V-ups

Hollow and plank work abs.

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Hey Somalie

I had the same problem half a year ago, after doing the arc hold, hollow hold and the other statics I didn't have much strength left for the rest of the workout. It will gradually improve;)

I would pair rows with push ups, as FredInChina says. And train different FBE each day. For example:

Mon; Push-ups paired with rows.

Wed; Chins/Pull-ups paired with negative HeSPU

Fri; Dips paired with curls. (Curls is abit difficult to scale down...)

Training pushups evry day, and not having any pulling exercises is not recommended.

You can see my program here:


By the way, I'm no expert, just a slightly experienced beginner. So don't put to much into my advices.

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Aaron Hughson

Ok some additional information.

Dips are a weak point for me now. Use to be able to knock out 10 in a row with a solid body.

Can now perhaps do 3 perfect dips with a struggle.

Heck I use to be able to do Ring HS when I was 10 w/o any formal training. Thank you TV.

Is there a way to scale down HeSPU(that's head stand push ups right?)

Going to try and present a new routine to better my overall strength.

Is it all right to do the same static holds 3 days a week?

I notice when I do my reverse planks( I do them with feet elevated to parallel) my hand position is putting the most pressure towards my wrist and not in the center of my palm.

As far as nutrition goes I have not been ideal.

My greatest nutritional journey began when I discovered Paleo. Thanks Coach Sommers!

Coach guided me to Robb Wolf and I started doing the nutrition plan. My heart burn went away.

And mental clarity improved. As soon as I started exercising my life became a wreak. My energy levels flew so far off the charts I couldn't sleep. Wide awake I was reading about economics and politics to try and bore myself to sleep. Well that backfired. As soon as I went back to work I started gaining weight and I failed my diet course.

So I will begin going Paleo again. The current routine is much harder than my other one ( 1 mile par course, PU, L-Sits Tucked, CU, Rows on 6 WO Stations. Hopefully it will zap the energy from me and allow me some sleep.

Ok lots of info will leave it there.


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I cant do more than 3 dips myself either. But coach recommends sets of 3x3 or 3x5 in the book, so I do 3x3 dips, feels good.

Headstand pushups can be scaled by putting your legs on a box. It will look like an upside down L-sit from the side. You asking this, made me think about changing my Monday routine, and try to do HeSPU with legs on a box instead of only doing negatives.

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Aaron Hughson

1. Wall HS 13x6

2. Plank 21x6

3. Reverse Plank 25x6

4. Hollow Hold 10x6

5. Arch Hold 16x6

6. Chin-Up Dead Hang 10x6

7. Parallel Bar Support 9x6

8. PU FX 5x6

9. XR Rows Scaled 4x6

Sprint for 880 ft x 6

1. Wall HS

2. Plank

3. Reverse Plank

4. Hollow Hold

5. Arch Hold

6. Pull Up Grip Dead Hangs

7. Parallel Bar Support

8. Chin Ups 4x6

9. Box HeSPU 4x6

1. Wall HS

2. Plank

3. Reverse Plank

4. Hollow Hold

5. Arch Hold

6. Chin Up Grip Dead Hangs

7. Parallel Bar Support

8. Negative Dips 3x6

9. XR Curls Scaled 3x6

Ok guys here is another revision I decided that I would run in a circuit doing a rep of each exercise one after the other. After completing one cycle I would do line touches for 880ft rest for 1-2 Min. And repeat 5 more times. I have included per recommendations different Pull/Push Exercises for each day.

I tested out my max in each exercise for day one. The observations that I was able to make was that my adaptation has helped to increase my hold times significantly. But still not easy through and through.

I will get my nutrition on board starting Monday. And will also start this new routine. This should be fun.

Will revise if any great recommendations come up. Perhaps mobility work???

Still a journey in progress!

Thanks All

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(...) I decided that I would run in a circuit doing a rep of each exercise one after the other. After completing one cycle I would do line touches for 880ft rest for 1-2 Min. And repeat 5 more times. (...)


What are your goals? :)


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Aaron Hughson

My Goals are to...

1. Cut the Fat

160 lb want to get back to 125 lb

2. Get Stronger

I want to do Planche and Ring HS like I use to.

3. More Endurance

4. Better Cardiovascular Health (Resting HR of 80 no good.)

What do you think Fred is that a good way to achieve those things or is there better?

Please. This is why I ask so that this routine can be molded to my goals.

This is a journey of discovery, and a living out of child hood dreams.

I wanted to be in gymnastics sense I was 4-6 years old. I think I could of gone to the Olympics.

So as long as you guys are here to help I'll listen.

Thanks All.

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This is not really for me to say; even if I knew you and the specifics of your sports and injury history, level of fitness, age, level of education & experience with a high level training, etc... I still would not be qualified to offer useful advice that you could really trust.

I am sure that if you offered detailed info about your condition, some forum members could chime in with specific advice.

I'll restrict myself to repeat what is already in many threads and articles on the forum:

- take your time, this is not a race; getting stronger is a lot easier than the pre-habilitation your body & soft tissues to be able to handle that strength.

- Exercise will help, but your weight and body composition is mostly the result of what and how you eat. You want to lose over 20% of your BW... maybe you could ask your MD if it is safe and if exercise 3 times a week per your proposed plan is okay for you at this moment.

I am sure you will reach your goals, just make sure that the path you follow is safe.

I'll be happy to follow your progress on the forum. :)


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Aaron Hughson
This is not really for me to say; even if I knew you and the specifics of your sports and injury history, level of fitness, age, level of education & experience with a high level training, etc... I still would not be qualified to offer useful advice that you could really trust.

I am sure that if you offered detailed info about your condition, some forum members could chime in with specific advice.

I'll restrict myself to repeat what is already in many threads and articles on the forum:

- take your time, this is not a race; getting stronger is a lot easier than the pre-habilitation your body & soft tissues to be able to handle that strength.

- Exercise will help, but your weight and body composition is mostly the result of what and how you eat. You want to lose over 20% of your BW... maybe you could ask your MD if it is safe and if exercise 3 times a week per your proposed plan is okay for you at this moment.

I am sure you will reach your goals, just make sure that the path you follow is safe.

I'll be happy to follow your progress on the forum. :)


Thanks Fred appreciate the words of encouragement and your honesty. I followed my set Monday routine and all went great.

I got an app on my phone that would time my whole circuit and each exercise and rest in between. So I will lay it out in the next post step by step.

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Aaron Hughson

1. Wall HS: 13 Seconds

Rest/Get Ready: "8 Seconds"

2. Plank (Feet Elevated): 21 Seconds

Rest/Get Ready: "8 Seconds"

3. Reverse Plank (Feet Elevated): 25 Seconds

Rest/Get Ready: "8 Seconds"

4. Hollow Hold: 10 Seconds

Rest/Get Ready: "8 Seconds"

5. Arch Hold: 16 Seconds

Rest/Get Ready: "8 Seconds"

6. Chin-Up Grip Dead Hang: 10 Seconds

Rest/Get Ready: "8 Seconds"

7. Parallel Bar Support ( Counter Corner ;): 9 Sec

Rest/Get Ready: "8 Seconds"

8. FX PU's: 5 Reps

Rest/Get Ready: "8 Seconds"

9. XR Rows: 4 Reps

Rest/Get Ready: "8 Seconds"

10. Suicides ( Line touch runs): 880 FT

Rest/Get Ready: 90 Seconds

Repeat Five (5) More Times. Drink bits of water if needed.

Gonna have to start marking revisions on these.

I'll call this Revision 1.3b

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Woah, that is a monster circuit you have here... timed rests, etc...

I personally prefer to do each FSP of the SSC in sequence: 3x20s Arch Hold, 5x12s reverse plank, etc... with a little rest in between. (for timing, I am using a metronome app and I count the beats ;))

Then I do the push/pull exercise of the day as a superset, with a leg stretch or joint mobilization as active rest during rest to save on time.

I understand why you are putting sprints in there, but I wonder if mixing conditioning with strength and structural integrity will bring you all the benefits you are expecting. Maybe you want to consider having a part of your workout where your focus is on perfection of form and quality, and the other is on conditioning?


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Aaron Hughson
Woah, that is a monster circuit you have here... timed rests, etc...

I personally prefer to do each FSP of the SSC in sequence: 3x20s Arch Hold, 5x12s reverse plank, etc... with a little rest in between. (for timing, I am using a metronome app and I count the beats ;))

Then I do the push/pull exercise of the day as a superset, with a leg stretch or joint mobilization as active rest during rest to save on time.

I understand why you are putting sprints in there, but I wonder if mixing conditioning with strength and structural integrity will bring you all the benefits you are expecting. Maybe you want to consider having a part of your workout where your focus is on perfection of form and quality, and the other is on conditioning?


Yah I planned it out pretty well.

As far as sprints... Not really a medium jog with some pick up at times

Overall the running equals 1 Mile.

A post stretching routine would be great need to make something for that one.

As far as my form is concerned its pretty good, if I say so myself.

Only problem was Wall HS, I kept lifting myself off the wall and just doing a HS.

The wall is great to insure correct form.

Will call this a steady state circuit cycle. Consistently doing the same reps and sets for 12 weeks and reassessing for maximal holds and reps in the circuit at the end of the cycle.

I guess Im a guinea pig on this one. Lol!

What do you do for prehab/ stretching?

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