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Hello everybody! Considering becoming a rings specialist :)


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Hi everybody,

I've been lurking here in the forums for a while now and wanted to ask some advice from all the rings specialists and some advice hopefully from Coach as well. I'm looking forward to learning from everyone here actually. There's a ton of knowledge floating around on these boards and I respect a LOT of you without you knowing it! I'm looking to log my progress in a journal and post up some videos along the way (although I'd like to keep my privacy for now).

I've kept in shape somewhat by lifting weights but not really gotten too bulky. I'm about 5'6 at 152 lbs. right now. I used to weigh 160+ at a lower body fat when I was still competitive. I used to be an elite-level gymnast. Last time I competed was 8 years ago. I'm 25 now :mrgreen:

I can still hold handstands very well, some fairly high straddle planches (on floor and parallettes), back levers, front levers straddled, straddle L (with the legs a bit lower than horizontal), L holds, V holds (a bit shakey). On rings, I can still hold handstands! I was surprised and it's bent-arm for a bit until I stabilize/hold but damn! I can hold a tuck planche on rings, L-sit with rings turned out, support holds perfectly still with rings turned out, basic swings. Didn't really try any uprises or anything. Didn't wanna push it! :lol:

All this after 8 years of no gymnastics so I'm very impressed with myself :) However, no crosses, inv. crosses, malteses, planches, transitions, giants, etc. WOW I realize how good in shape I used to be when I attempt these.

I've been toying with the idea of competing on the rings again and wanted some training advice. I don't want to give up weights completely but I'm definitely up for shifting around the schedules and making them more rings-specific.

I'm thinking for the next month or so:

Monday - Weights (Lower Body - Strength) - Squats, DL

Tuesday - Weights (Upper Body - Strength) - Bench, MP, Weighted Chin/Dip, etc. & Rings Workout (3 hours)

Wednesday - Rest

Thursday - Weights (Lower Body - Dynamic)

Friday - Weights (Upper Body - Rings-Specific/Dynamic) & Rings Workout (3 hours)

Saturday - Rest

Sunday - Rest

Keep in mind on my off days, I can still do extra work as I have XR and I have parallettes.

1. What should my focus be during my rings sessions in the beginning phase? I have a lot of time and could condition all day but since I'm not at my old level anymore skill-wise, I'm left without much to work with. Should I work swings? Static holds? Basic movements like back and forward rolls?

2. Should I immediately bump up my sessions in the gymnastics gym? I have unlimited access.

3. Nutrition wise, I'm thinking of just staying with the good stuff and eating every 2-3 hours. Meats, chicken, fish, rice, bread, oats, vegetables, fruits, etc. Supplement wise, I have multivitamin, beta alanine, scivation xtend, lean MRP, whey, dextrose, glutamine, glucosamine, calcium. Hell yeah I'm ready! :twisted: Any suggestions? Should I be tracking calories?

4. Should I be drinking/eating anything during my rings sessions?

I'm willing to hear any advice guys. If you think I should change EVERYTHING around, then just tell me! I was spoiled gymnast with coaches that told me everything to do. I'm up to log all of this and have a fun journey and share it with everyone! Looking forward to learning lots.


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Philip Chubb

I also like to use rings for upper body and some limited weight work for the lower body. But if you are using rings and weights for upper body, the results won't be as optimal. That is time that could go to ring based strength which will also have a carry over to your weights. But not so much vice versa. Others may tell you differently. But how many are as strong as you are hoping to be?

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Skill work: as much as you can get it would be the best option, logically. As much non-taxing practice as you can get.

Conditioning: others will advice.

Integrating bodyweight and barbell training: http://www.eatmoveimprove.com/2012/04/i ... -training/

Thanks for the article. Interesting stuff. There's only so much non-taxing practice I can do until I develop my old skills back again unfortuantely.

I also like to use rings for upper body and some limited weight work for the lower body. But if you are using rings and weights for upper body, the results won't be as optimal. That is time that could go to ring based strength which will also have a carry over to your weights. But not so much vice versa. Others may tell you differently. But how many are as strong as you are hoping to be?

The weights aren't my focus honestly. It's just something I didn't want to drop as even when I was competitive, they had us do weight training as well. I just feel since my body isn't what it used to be gymnastics-wise yet, that I should take it slow for the next month or so and get my body used to being up on the rings again. Lots of pre-hab work, lots of static holds, etc. I may be wrong though.

I probably should have been more clear with my training. Even on the days that I don't do weights, I still plan on doing gymnastics conditioning. Maybe I should throw in a GB WOD plus the FSP's on the days I'm not in the gymnastics gym? And if the rings guys think I should be in the gymnastics gym more often, I can and WILL gladly do it! It's just hard for me to gauge what would be too much to start with as I honestly want to spend ALL DAY EVERYDAY in the gym, like every other true gymnast :mrgreen:

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Good luck with your journey. I'm sure you can regain your former strength and skills faster and easier than someone who is just starting new.

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Good luck with your journey. I'm sure you can regain your former strength and skills faster and easier than someone who is just starting new.

Thanks!! I know it's not going to be an easy road regardless, but that's what I'm hoping for 8)

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