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Need more shoulder flexibility.. by alot..


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Hey guys, so I'm not a gymnast by nature and I've grown to notice I have an absolute sickening lack of shoulder flexibility. I'm a cheerleader and my tumbling is beginning to get out of the area where I can get by while lacking in certain areas. I'm beginning to work on my double full and I'm noticing that I'm seriously lacking the height my layout requires to make the skill easier for me to obtain. Even fulls are a little difficult on days where I don't feel very energetic. I never realized how much my shoulders really weren't flexible. It became apparent that I didn't set very well when I first began layouts, people would comment that I would have a 'zombie set' as in my arms were almost straight out in front of me during my set. I would try to yank them up as hard as I could and I would feel them sorta hit their maximum range of motion and thought i was setting all the way up.. apparently I still never got them much higher than my head. It wasn't until about 2 weeks ago that I realized that if I hold a hollow position (aka not letting my chest fall backwards) my arms only rise so that my hands are slightly above eye level. This really surprised me but also made me realize that my lack of height wasn't me not trying, but it was my body's lack of flexibility.

So the main question is, what do you guys believe are the most effective shoulder stretching exercises? I need to gain about a good 60 degrees worth of flexibility in order to be able to get my arms up in the set I need for my tumbling. Also, remember I'm not a gymnast so please explain stuff you would otherwise abbreviate =).

Also, I've been told I tumble a little slower than most people (I'm also 6'2" so my height makes it harder plus I can't run more than a few steps or I tumble off the mat) but when I do my handspring I think I'm a little looser than most people. It's hard to explain, but since I described how my arms dont go all the way above my head (only when I lean my chest back) when i tumble I aim my chest toward the ground a bit and push off through my upper chest muscles rather than my shoulders since I cant get my arms up like that. Does that make any sense? Is there any way that gaining shoulder flexibility would not only help my set and height but my tumbling speed since I'll be able to hit my handsprings at the proper angles? This also used to make it hard for me to set straight up a bit as I'd come out of my handspring really arched in the upper back and I'd have to straighten out rather than simply come out of it straight..

sorry for the speech =)

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If you go into the Joint and flexibility section of this web site there are many answers to this question.

Things that have helped me haver a more open HS:

German Hangs

Wall Extensions

Shoulder dislocations

Shoulder inlocations

Ido's Shoulder routine (you can find this on youtube)

My shoulders are still not fully open either. It is still a work in progress. But these have helped me drastically

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Stick Pass thru's (inlocate/dislocates)

Hanging a lot. High Bar or rings. German hangs to some extent.

Cat stretch. Place hands on a surface with your hips bent at 90 degrees. Hands and hip should be at the same height. Pull your chest to the floor.

Elevated Bridge and focus on opening the shoulder.

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