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Pain in back of shoulder??

Guest PattonBurgess

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Guest PattonBurgess

Only when I do pushups and the likes?

Let me preface by saying I am not a beginner, I can do multiple wide slow muscle ups for reps, straddle planche, full front lever.

I didnt injure myself in the sense that nothing hurt, just the other day I did some pushups and it hurts just on the back of my shoulder?

I would really appreciate any help I can get.

Thanks for your time.

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Joshua Naterman

Try a straight arm pull from a dead hang to a front lever, then try a yewki. Use the hardest body position you can properly perform a rep with.

Do you feel it? If you do, especially if it's more towards the end of the movement, you may be getting stiff in the long head of the tricep. If you don't, I will suggest you use the trigger point therapy workbook (which is cheap) and hit all the referral sites it mentions for rear shoulder pain.

There are a lot of things that could be going on but without being able to perform manual tests on you I can't say much, and you can't perform the tests yourself.

You may have trigger points in infraspinatus and/or teres minor, which is one of the first things I would check. Tennis balls are good beginning tools to use for trigger points in this area.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi there

I am pretty sure I'm suffering with the same thing!...i can do pull ups, handstand push ups but a press up (especially a military press up which focus's quite a bit more on the front deltoid) delivers a sharp ache kind of pain....strong enough to put you off trying push ups!

I have recently been to a physio for an ART massage and ultra sound.

I am using resistance bands and starting from scratch, building my shoulders, tendons, muscles from the intside out!...and I'm happy to say IT WORKS as far rotator cuff strengthening and tendon strengthening goes but i still can't quite pin point why i have pain in my anterior delt when i perform pressing exercises.

bursitis, frozen shoulder, impingement was ruled out so the physio addressed my posture. We found that due to so much pressing work and not enough pulling, my right shoulder was so forward and rounded, plus my right scapular was quite unstabilized.

After the muscle is warm i can do front shoulder exercises to work the muscle but i can't do any body weight presses yet until i've stabiliazed my scapular and I'm sure my shoulder can take it


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Joshua Naterman

You've got it, the first thing to do is correct the posture. Then you start over by building strength from scratch with the perfect posture.

That's the way to go, keep it up!

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Add to the recipe and scoop of patience. It can take quite a while for these types of 'injuries' to get to the point that the movements are pain free, stay with in your limits.

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