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Injured for 3 months..any advice?


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So I bought Xtreme rings about 6 months ago and was mostly practicing dips/pullups/muscleups, but one day doing dips I guess I was more tired than I thought and my left arm ended up slipping out while I was pushing up and it extended very quickly and ever since my shoulder/upper back/neck has not felt the same.

When I lift my arms directly out with palms facing towards me there is extreme tightness and lack of range of motion, and whenever I try to work out I will feel extremely sore with headaches the day after, and sometimes even during. Also my neck feels extremely tight on the left, so it almost feels like my head is sitting unevenly on my neck.

I have gone to several doctors and am currently seeing a physical therapist and I was just wondering if this is the best choice for me at this point and if anyone might know what I may have injured? The doctors recommended PT so I have been doing that, but it has already been 2 months and I am not sure I am seeing much improvement. I just really want to get back to training.. any advice would be appreciated.

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Larry Roseman
So I bought Xtreme rings about 6 months ago and was mostly practicing dips/pullups/muscleups, but one day doing dips I guess I was more tired than I thought and my left arm ended up slipping out while I was pushing up and it extended very quickly and ever since my shoulder/upper back/neck has not felt the same.

When I lift my arms directly out with palms facing towards me there is extreme tightness and lack of range of motion, and whenever I try to work out I will feel extremely sore with headaches the day after, and sometimes even during. Also my neck feels extremely tight on the left, so it almost feels like my head is sitting unevenly on my neck.

I have gone to several doctors and am currently seeing a physical therapist and I was just wondering if this is the best choice for me at this point and if anyone might know what I may have injured? The doctors recommended PT so I have been doing that, but it has already been 2 months and I am not sure I am seeing much improvement. I just really want to get back to training.. any advice would be appreciated.

A few times my left arm has given out, but not slipped out luckilly. Not that I was so high up. Did your arm get

caught up? Was it banged up somehow or just twisted in a weird angle? Was there a sudden jolt landing like


If you are saying you have neck pain and headaches, it sounds possible that a vertabrae is out of whack, and is putting pressure on a nerve. What happens is that the muscles tighten to protect the spine, and then you have a chicken and egg situation. You need to release the muscle for the joint to realign, and to realign the joint for the muscles to release. So having both worked on together to some degree is usually the approach that works best in this situation.

I've had good luck for this with Chiro treatments. As well, in Canada at leat, Chiro includes various modalities,

like active release, Graston technique, electro-therapy, soft tissue work, mobilization massage, stretching and strengthening besides bone adjustments. This may or may not be the same where you are. It may be worth a few tries if you have more

than the typical time-remediated injury. Most likely your GP wouldn't recommend Chiro however the two have been

known to work together.

Sadly injuries are the price we way for attempting to push our bodies beyond their current limits.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah it got a little caught up, but it all happened very fast so I didn't really take much notice to it, especially since it didn't seem affected at the time of the incident. My left arm kind of just twisted inwards while holding the ring and my arm extended.

So you would recommend seeing a Chiro?

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