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Wonky shoulder

Archbishop o balance

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Archbishop o balance

Hey, guys! Hoping for some bright input here, as I know there's an abundance of it on this forum =)

Saturday I had a normal handbalancing session consisting of some awareness drills on both arms, one-armed air baby attempts and two-finger supported OAHS work and various shrugs for prehab. During my OAHS work, I had an aha-experience, which I do every so often, in that I was finally able to activate my serratus anterior (I think) while on my hands. I've been trying to achieve that for a while by keeping them tight even before putting my hands on the floor, and on Satuday I finally got it. There was a distinct feeling of serratus action which in turn led to the longest hold I've ever had on one arm without support. I'm not talking a LONG time, perhaps 3 or 4 seconds, but that is still a rarity for me. It was the feeling of balance and control that really struck me though.

I was really looking forward to employing this newly acquired 'skill' this week, but a few hours after the session my right shoulder started acting up a bit, and gotten progressively worse during the week. It's not really painful, but something definitely feels out of whack. I've managed to stay away from handbalancing so far this week (mostly), which really sucks, because one of the best gymnastics groups in Norway is here this week to try out our facilities and are keeping the doors open for all who want to participate :evil:

As far as symptoms go, this is what I've noticed so far:

- The 'pain' is in the frontal aspect of the shoulder, on or just below the head of the upper arm. It's kind of hard to pinpoint.

- Extension is alright, but abduction and flexion between 90 and 160 degrees causes discomfort.

- What causes the most discomfort is external rotation during full flexion, which leads me to believe that the OAHS "serratus discovery" might have been the cause of injury, because that also involved a bit of external rotation of the arm. I tried the first exercise in this video http://www.youtube.com/user/ForwardMotionPT#p/u/9/IXj64-Sv16E and as soon as I rotate, it hurts.

What I'm doing now:

- Shoulder tractions in pain free ROM.

- Some SMR in that area, but it's hard to find it.

- Considered icing, but don't know how much that will do at this point.

- Will start more SMR on and around scapulae tomorrow, as well as strength upkeep for whatever doesn't hurt. Have to stay clear of HB though, which is what bothers me the most! Can't wait to get back on my hands! :D

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