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WOD questions and my current routine


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So after reading BtGB and going through the forums pretty thoroughly I landed on the following routine: (current numbers/reps are based off my latest test)

Wrist Prep

FSP Warmups:

60s Plank (straight arm, elevated legs)

60s Reverse Plank (Elevated Legs)

60s PB Support

60s Pullup Deadhang

60s Superman Archup

60s Hollow Hold (Currently broken into 3x20s)

Primary Workout

- Each lettered section completed before moving onto next, alternating between 1 and 2

- FBEs alternate workout-to-workout

A1. Frog Stand - 2x30s

A2. XR Pushups / Dips / HeSPU - 3x5

B1. PB Tuck L-Sit - 24sx3

B2. Tuck V-ups / Half HLL - 3x5

C1. Tuck Back Lever - 4x15s

C2. XR Rows / Tuck Pullups -3x5

D1. Tuck Front Lever - 5x12s

D2. Archups / German Hang Pull - 3x5


30s XR Support hold

5 Kneeling Wrist Pushups


And for the first 8 weeks this structure has served me pretty well; i've seen some pretty intense strength gains (I started being only able to hold a 12s frogstand, for example). However I've been reading further and further into the forums and have discovered more and more about things ... including the WODs. Looking at

last night while exploring the WOD forum leads me to suspect that my current routine may be taking me a lot longer than it should (roughly and hour 15 minutes).

I got the impression from the book that both FSPs and FBEs should be done daily, wheras WODs seem to target groups of muscles specifically, rotating as the week goes by. So I've got a few questions!

1. are WODs there to add to FBEs that are currently in your workout, or to completely replace them?

2. Should I be doing all my FSPs together, instead of splitting them up and alternating them with co-ordinating FBEs? And if the latter is acceptable, should the FBEs be antagonistic to the FSPs instead?

3. If the WOD's seem, even when scaled down, difficult to complete, should I just consider with the program I've devised, or should I do the WODs, even incomplete and scaled down?

Any Critique is welcome.

Thanks in advance!!

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Joshua Naterman

3) Whichever you decide. Personally I prefer to do the WODs when possible simply because they make sure you aren't missing anything. This becomes much more important when you get strong enough to do multiplane pulling. At that point you should definitely do the WODs. If ring strength routines are beyond you, just do support holds. If you're strong enough, add in some dips and pull ups, and if you have the facility work on Russian dips. Start with a very short ROM and slowly work into the whole thing. Increase ROM slightly every few weeks. That's pretty much it, honestly. Most WODs will be very manageable for you.

On leg dynamic days replace senders with sets of 20-30 calf hops with locked knees. Heels should never hit the ground. I'll probably make a video on that sort of thing before I hit the seminar this September.

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