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Pull Up plateau


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Hey guys, i have been doing pullups for 2-3 times a week, 3 sets max. I noticed that for 2 months and a half, my pullups haven improve at all. Im always doing the same reps to failure. What can i do to shake things up abit? I dont go to the gym as i prefer working out with boydweight and at home. Thanks!

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Not going to failure would be the first step.

Reducing reps to at least 80% of max if not less would be a great idea.

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I had the same problem in the past. I always did 8-10 reps, as was my max. After some minutes, I tried again, did about 3-5. After that, rested, tried again, and I could do 1-4.

The lesson? Don't push to your limit. It's completely unnecessary and won't do you any good. If your max is 10, why not do 3x6-7 instead? You'll have more reps in total. Or, if you don't want to do that, perhaps some more front lever work could help you, as it utilizes the same muscles.

What is your max, by the way? If it's more than twenty, it's pretty hard to progress and it'll take lots of time.

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John Sapinoso

OAC and Front Lever work indirectly increase max pull ups, but it depends on what your max is.

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I see, i shall try to reduce to my reps and increase my sets!

My max is 12-14, and i cant do front lever and OAC yet, im not that strong hahah!

& Thanks for the advices!

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  • 2 weeks later...
William Bateson

Like Razz said, try some accumulation than intensification. For 15 mins complete as many reps as possible, sticking to 1-5 reps each set (this should be paired with a dip or pushup variation). Record the number, wait 2-5 days, and do it again. 15 mins, but try to beat your number from the last workout. Do this for 3-4 workouts, deload, than try breaking some old rep records and doing harder movements (wide grip pullup/l-sit pullup/etc...). If this doesn't interest you, change your tempo or rest time, it's not just about reps and sets.

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Alex Dienaar

If you stop progressing, change your workout. You've already gotten your adaptation from it and it'll be ineffective for you.

Throw in some variation

Make sure your scapular retractors and depressors aren't a problem (pulling your shoulderblades down during the entire range of motion).

If you can do 12-14 Pullups now with proper form for 3 sets. I suggest you now try to find a harder variation of which you can do only 4-6 proper reps (Wide Grip pullups -> L-Sit Chin-Ups -> L-Sit Pullups -> Wide Grip L-Sit Pullups) and perform the workout scheme Bill described.

Take 15 minutes and get in as many reps as you can. Start off with sets of 3 and towards the last 5 minutes you should be so tired you'll only be doing sets of one. Do them at a tempo of 3 seconds down, 0 seconds hold at the bottom, 1 second up and a 2 second hold with your chin over the bar.

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