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BtGB Appendix A?

Chris Hansen

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I was just reviewing appdendix A in BtGB where it talks about static holds to increase your pullups and was wondering if anyone could suggest how it could fit into my regular workouts in terms of where to place it and how much and how often?


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You could do them in a GTG manner or set them up early in your workouts. Some people use the static holds as finishers, but I would not program them that way if you are looking to have them increase your pullup.

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Thanks for the reply. Sorry, but I'm about to throw some more questions at you.

Would you recommend it during the warmup? Wouldn't that pre-fatigue you if you're going to do pullups during the workout?

How long would each position be held? Would you do them on each workout day?

Would it work to separate them, like if you do your normal workout in the morning and the static holds in the evening?


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You could split them up in the day. You could also insert holds at certain positions of the pullup such as the bottom, top and middle.

You could also insert the lever holds in a variety of ways. The 1m protocol or even more volume.

If you don't want it taxing your pullup workout, do them at another time.

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Chris Hansen

Blairbob, thanks for the tips.

I just have a couple of more question for anyone who might know. I hope to incorporate this into my workouts starting Monday.

Would it work to do pullups (and handstand) static holds on non-workout days or is it better to keep it as a rest day?

For pullup static holds, would it make sense to follow the same guidelines that Coach Sommer gives regarding handstand practice?

Anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes should be appropriate for most athletes. This is total time including both work and rest, although try not to go overboard with rest times.

I would recommend at first beginning with once a week; and then gradually adding additional training days as you adapt to the training load and also depending on your own individual goals. If handstand is a major priority add more days. If handstand is a minor priority, once or twice a week will be sufficient.


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On rest day you'll be fine doing any pullups or HS as long as you don't get near the intensity or volume as you would have on a regular workout day. It would sort of depend on what came prior to the rest day?

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