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Handstand Crashes.

Onyx Dragon

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Onyx Dragon

I just got into Handbalancing not too long ago and tried some handstands against the wall.

With about 3 sec up I fall. Not an easy fall a crash fall.

I can hold a headstand for around a 45 sec+

Is there some bodyweight exercises to get more strength.

What part of the shoulders do handstand work?

Wghat can I do to get better at a handstand?

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Well if you can hold a handstand for 45 seconds your in good shape, but the thing is you say you fall within 3 seconds so I'm confused. Handstands work the shoulders, I can't really say there is a specific part, it's like doing a shoulder press, so just look up that and you'll find what handstands pretty much work. To get better practice, practice and yes you guessed it practiced, when I started gymnastics in school, we did hardcore sessions of 3 sets for 2 minutes each, after about 2 weeks I was great at handstands, so just work on them as much as you can, work on tuck planches to help with shoulder strength, work on some hollow holds to help your back from arching.

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Edward Smith

Well I would start with push ups, yes push ups, 10 with good, strict form. then start elevating your feet incrementally (up onto a chair, table, step, etc). Incidentally the raising of your feet will help with planche work (to a degree), make sure to keep strict form, you can also perform static holds. Work your way closer and closer to vertical and eventually you'll have a handstand.

Headstands won't convert to handstands much in the way of arm strength (unless trying to press/push yourself of the floor) but will give a good feel and sense of what it's like to be in a handstand and how to control yourself (there are a few more factors to control in a handstand).

Hope this helps,


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Onyx, it would be to good to start with a handstand with your stomach against the wall instead of just kicking with your back to the wall.

Simply, stand against the wall, place your hands on the ground in a pushup position and slowly walk your feet up the wall and your hands as close to the wall. Hold for 10, eventually 20 and 30 and build up from there.

Kicking up to the wall with your back against in an arch, will leave your body unbalanced somewhat towards falling forward.

As well, you can simply step down from doing the handstand against the wall to land in a lunge ( like a forward stance in karate ) Learning to kick into the handstand should be down from a nice lunge anyways.

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