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Beginner workout (new)

Rasmus B

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A double body weight deadlift just does not go hand in hand with running 3200 in 12 minutes.

Ehh, there are plenty of crossfitters who can probably do this besides other fitness enthusiasts, etc. However, you will probably need to do some minimal work to get there. It sort of depends on where you are starting out at.

That 2mi and DL besides the flip and gymnastics strength will all need their due training.

In my experience, the athletes that attained the fastest results got there by concentrating on one and maintaining the other then reversing rather than working on both at the same time. There is plenty of literature from the National Strength and Conditioning Association's scientific studies and strength coachs' experiences that all say the same thing: pushing endurance and maximal strength gains together significantly slows results.

Does that mean a person training both won't be able to achieve his goals? Most likely he will, especially since a 2x deadlift and 3200 in 12 minutes is no where near elite level and that's when you really have to specialize but why kill yourself when you can get there more efficiently and quickly. You mentioned crossfit but very few crossfiters that start out as beginners get anywhere near appreciable levels of strength, most of the ones you see with huge deadlifts and awesome endurance times came from a strength sport. Jack of all trades masters of none is indeed a true statement. I am not putting down crossfit but since it came out people are under the impression that you can train everything all at ones and reach high levels in endurance, strength and speed.

Now a few months from my start of gymnastic training I would like to give some inspiration to beginners. So far the training have been great and I really love it!

First of all thanks to coach as well as all the helpful people at this forum - hope I might join you at a seminar in the future.

An example of my training:

Sunday and wednesday:


Jump-rope 3 min.

Ido's squat clinic x 1 set

Wrist and ancle routine

10 dislocates

FSP: (60 sec.) Rest: 45-90 sec.

L-sit (parrallel tuck)/Back lever (tuck) 2x30s/2x30s

Front lever(tuck)/Straddle L(bent) 3x20s/4x15s

Manna (MSH bent)/Planche (frog stand) 3x20s/2x30s

Wall Handstand (back against wall) / Ring support position 2x30s/2x20s



2x10 dislocates

2x10 shoulder extensions against wall

Monday and thursday:


Jump-rope 3 min.

Wrist and ancle routine

10 dislocates

Locomotion conditioning

FSP: (60 sec.) Rest: 45-90 sec.

L-sit (parrallel tuck)/Back lever (tuck) 2x30s/2x30s

Front lever(tuck)/Straddle L(bent) 3x20s/4x15s

Manna (MSH bent)/Planche (frog stand) 3x20s/2x30s

Wall Handstand (back against wall) / Ring support position 2x30s/2x20s



2x10 dislocates

2x20s german hang

10 bridge wall walks

10 seated pike compressions + 10 sec. static hold

30 sec. weigted pike stretch



Ido's squat clinic x 1 set


Hip extensions 2x10 front, back and to the sides.

2x30sec - front split and straddle split

Seated pike compressions 2x10 with 10s static hold at the end

2x30 sec. weigted pike stretch


It's great to see you doing well :)

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Any advice on an individual looking to maintain his muscular endurance while doing a M/T Th/F of static hold training? For now, I am at about 50-60 pushups and only 10 pullups. I'd like to work on the basic strength skills of gymnastics, but want to at least keep up the 50 range of pushups, and hopefully increase my pullups.

I'm sure this has been beat to death, I couldn't pull anything on "maintaining endurance" in the search. If it has been beaten to death, please refer to the information.


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Gerald Mangona
Any advice on an individual looking to maintain his muscular endurance while doing a M/T Th/F of static hold training? For now, I am at about 50-60 pushups and only 10 pullups. I'd like to work on the basic strength skills of gymnastics, but want to at least keep up the 50 range of pushups, and hopefully increase my pullups.

Pranaman, are you doing the WOD? The WOD programs in plenty of muscular endurance, if I understand them correctly. The WOD I did yesterday had 5MUs followed by 7 Multiplane pull movements and then another 9 multiplane pull movement consecutively. You're gonna do 3 or 4 sets of 21 pull movements...should be plenty of endurance.

My strength levels aren't there, so that turned into 5 Rows, 7 jumping pullups, and 9 negative pullups. I think Coach has the WODs programmed to make sure that there's a good balance of all movement types at different rep ranges in order to work on both strength and endurance.


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Currently I am not doing the WOD. Thank you for the suggestion, I have a lot on my plate training wise and I think I need to design my program to accommodate this. I think what I will do is cycle between antagonistic static pairs, completing one pair at a time a la steady state and moving to the next pair. When done with all of the static exercises I am training for, move to low-repetition antagonistic pairs of dynamic movements a la ladders, pyramids, GTG, etc... I'll test my endurance and strength after a month to calibrate or change my routine. Since all of my training thus far has been mainly endurance, my experience is limited. Aware of that, this still seems reasonable.

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