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alternatives to incline push ups and scap shrugs for tennis elbow

Anthony Del Balso

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Anthony Del Balso


I have been having right elbow pain and have not been including the incline push ups in foundation 1, nor the ring rows. I was feeling that bending motions were aggravating it, so i was only doing straight arm exercises (russian twists, scap shrugs, planks).  

I had an orthopedist check it out yesterday and they said I have tennis elbow. To take it easy, keep icing it, stretching it, and eventually it should heal. But it takes a long time. Exercises with palms UP (like ring rows, but keeping my palms facing upwards) or chin ups would be okay. But Push ups or pull ups would not be okay.

I didn't think the scap shrugs were bothering it, but that's a very similar position to the push up.


Any recommendations for modifications or alternative exercises for the the incline push ups, and keep working on the scap shrugs?

Thank you

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Alessandro Mainente
1 hour ago, Anthony Del Balso said:


I have been having right elbow pain and have not been including the incline push ups in foundation 1, nor the ring rows. I was feeling that bending motions were aggravating it, so i was only doing straight arm exercises (russian twists, scap shrugs, planks).  

I had an orthopedist check it out yesterday and they said I have tennis elbow. To take it easy, keep icing it, stretching it, and eventually it should heal. But it takes a long time. Exercises with palms UP (like ring rows, but keeping my palms facing upwards) or chin ups would be okay. But Push ups or pull ups would not be okay.

I didn't think the scap shrugs were bothering it, but that's a very similar position to the push up.


Any recommendations for modifications or alternative exercises for the the incline push ups, and keep working on the scap shrugs?

Thank you

You can switch the scap shrugs from palm support to elbow support (like the elbow plank) while for the pushup....there is no alternative.

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Garry Barker

Hi Anthony My advice would be to rest and recovery fully. (i understand difficult as this is to do because you don't want to lose what you have gained) I had golfers elbow and kept training GB through it for far to long ignoring advice from everyone to rest and kidding myself that it had gone again and again when it hadn't and starting up training again as I was obsessed with it, but what should have taken me 6 months has ended up costing me around 7 years if not more (my elbows got that weak that everything I did effected them)  I'm finally going to start my GB training again slow and steady this week at last after all this time.  lets see how it goes.

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