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Foundations Progression

Michael Brecko

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Michael Brecko

Hi, I am currently doing foundations Level 2 and was wondering if I should add sets onto the exercises in order to progress faster.  I feel like 3 sets of 1 rep will take forever to progress.  Also, I am stuck on the Korean dip. I have been able to do all the other dip progressions up to them but cannot do a single rep of the Korean. Any suggestions on how to get over that hump?


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Alessandro Mainente
14 hours ago, Michael Brecko said:

Hi, I am currently doing foundations Level 2 and was wondering if I should add sets onto the exercises in order to progress faster.  I feel like 3 sets of 1 rep will take forever to progress.  Also, I am stuck on the Korean dip. I have been able to do all the other dip progressions up to them but cannot do a single rep of the Korean. Any suggestions on how to get over that hump?


hI Michael welcome to the forum.

Well adding more set is not the ideal solution , is bettere to add another day sot hat you can practice the same amount of volume in another session and you are more fresh.

for what is conerned with korean dip the only way i have to help you is to have a check of your execution that you can post in the form check section of the provate GST forum. for the korean dip the main problem is the technique so i do not have other option.

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