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The Warmup


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This is my curent warmup, but i find it really demotivating, just think about sometimes stops me wanting to train:

1. Joint Warmup - Consists of moving all main joints in some sort of movement ie. extend and flex the knees and draw a circle with your heels...

2. Warmup - Jog, run, jump, get the blood pumping

3. Dynamic movement with active flexibility

Is there any other forms of warming up you can reccomend or is this just a bad warmup, it lasts generally 15-20mins and i do break a light set while doing so but i just find it so monotonus and boring and it really dosent leave me wanting to train

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I do the same warm-up, except I get my heart rate up with basic tumbling instead of jogging. I then follow the warm-up with 2-3 sets of easier variations of the days first two exercises (for me this is FL+legs & PL+press variation).

The template you have now is a good one, and my preferred. You could make it more interesting by adding tumbling as I do, and changing your dynamic exercises (there are plenty of variations that do the same thing).

Other expectable options would be:

(1) Make the whole warm-up easier variations of the days exercises. Go through the entire days workout with a 5 sets of easier variations. Like circuit training.

(2) Eliminate getting heart rate up with jogging/tumbling and just do more dynamic exercises.

You could use all of these suggestions and rotate them around so that you don't get as bored.

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I generall do #2 before #1. While I hate seeing the gymnasts jog around the floor in the gym due to them often interrupting whoever is on floor or crowd control issues, I may do a few laps on floor on occasion.

My WU starts off with 10 deck squats to candlestick/basket/candlestick and stand sometimes interspersed with SLS. After that, I do a pass of walking lunges (floor is 40'), heel/toe raises on the beam for balance/ankle mobility, then ankle rebounds down the floor-1/2 way forwards, 1/2 way backwards; broad jumps across the floor. Somewhere in there I do leg swings, besides some sets of pike and straddle rolls and rolls to handstand or from handstand and some cartwheel stuff. Holding the bottom of a SLS and 5-10SLS as well.

My boys and gymnasts tend to the do same warmup every day. Personally, I like it and don't care since it's a matter of a routine. Other times, I may do a trampoline warmup with those some basics.

Then again, it's quite possible I have slight OCD. Nothing serious, but there were some issues of it in my youth but luckily I learned how to chill out sometimes as well.

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