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Goals, plans, routine programming

Quick Start Test Smith

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Quick Start Test Smith

Hi, I've been reading all over this forum and a lot of my questions have been answered, but a lot of new ones have come up.

I think it would be best if I explained my goals first. They aren't really specific, I don't really have any specific exercises I want to master apart from the regular; HS, V-Sit, Cranks, Straddle Planch, etc. Generally, I just want to strengthen my entire body a lot. I know that some gymnasts specialize in a certain move (I don't know the correct term, sorry), but I've also heard of some who do everything

I'm going to enter college in 1.5 years and I'd like to become as strong as I can before I do because I'd like to enroll in a gymnastics class (plus, of course, my other courses). Everyone progresses differently, and I do have some specific weaknesses that I will have to work through (slightly weak lower back, not serious), but considering other members progress in less then a year, it appears to be logical to expect (hope) to be able to perform an free standing HS, V-Sit, SLS, and the HSPP (handstand pike press... :?) in a year and a half. Am I right?

Now you know what I want to achieve in my strength training.

Here's the difficulty, I've read about people here doing strength training 4-6 days a week, and if that was anything but strength training I wouldn't be surprised (I do either technique, conditioning, or speed training daily as well). However, since I have Tang Soo Do classes on Monday and Thursday evenings (7 PM - 8 PM) which are very intense (though not strength wise), it would be hard for me to do strength training on that day before the class. It would also be difficult for me to do the class when very sore from DOMS.

So this is the way I see it, the best days for me to do strength training that would leave me sore during the next day would be Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday. Perhaps Wednesday and Sunday too, but it would need to be lighter then the other days and I prefer not to do too much intensive training on Sunday as it's primarily my rest day.

So, do you think three strength training days a week is sufficient for someone like me? I also have conditioning (cardiovascular and muscular endurance) and technique practice twice a week.

By the way, I am going to get BtGB as soon as I can afford it. I'm still trying to get a job, but it's very difficult these days.

A million thanks, you guys should get paid for helping people like me.

Patrick Smith

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You may also consider doing a heavy strength day on Monday and Thursday as long as its earlier in the day (6-12 hours or so before your classes, depending on your recovery rate).

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Quick Start Test Smith
You may also consider doing a heavy strength day on Monday and Thursday as long as its earlier in the day (6-12 hours or so before your classes, depending on your recovery rate).

Thanks, RandomHavoc.

I'm sure I couldn't handle that. If I had too, I could a heavy strength training session after class (around 8:20 PM) , but that would set it to end around 9:30-10:00 PM which would have me go to bed later then usual and get less sleep. I have to get up at 6:15 AM every morning.

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I'm not simply talking about putting a strength and muscular endurance workout in 1 day. The spacing is important. I guarantee you would not perform well immediately after your class compared to doing it 6-12 hours before or after. The interval is important.

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Quick Start Test Smith
I'm not simply talking about putting a strength and muscular endurance workout in 1 day. The spacing is important. I guarantee you would not perform well immediately after your class compared to doing it 6-12 hours before or after. The interval is important.

I know, I can also guarantee I would not perform well immediately after class. :lol:

My Tang Soo Do class requires a significant amount of muscular endurance, and if my arms and legs are already shot from doing a heavy workout that morning, there's no way I'll make it through the class.

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Patrick. TuWFSa or TuFSa.

Some people can strength train 4-6 days/week. Some people can only do it 2 or 3. It kind of depends where you are and what you are doing. I find, for myself, it depends on how much fuel is in me and rest and hydration.

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Quick Start Test Smith
Patrick. TuWFSa or TuFSa.

Some people can strength train 4-6 days/week. Some people can only do it 2 or 3. It kind of depends where you are and what you are doing. I find, for myself, it depends on how much fuel is in me and rest and hydration.

Thanks, Blair. It's the same way with me. Everything I do depends on how I'm feeling.

I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean by TuWFSa or TuFSa? :roll: I tried searching the forum and Googling it but no luck.


Oh! I see what you mean! Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, or Tue. Fri. and Sat. I feel so silly.

I think I'll do TuFSa then. Thank you very much.

I feel that I need to do a lot of basic strength development for a while before I start to progress to more advanced exercises, so now I'm working on formulating a routine that generally prepares my entire body for the more intense stuff. I can't wait to get BtGB but for now, I'm going to have to put together a small routine that will have to do until then.

I've been doing leaning push ups (viewtopic.php?f=13&t=3107) in three sets of 10, pull ups 3x5, and hanging tucked L-sits (where I hang in the bottom of a pull up position and bring my knees up to be level with the floor) for a total of 60 seconds. It's just playing around, really. :roll:


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