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Hip pain!

Marcelo Lara

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Hello there! Hope you are fine :)

In June or July, my hips (left side) began to hurt me because the round kicks that I had to do in my kung fu temple. It hurt, bud I can stand and practise. Later, I couldn't rise my leg more than my chest, something inusual in me when I was kicking, and the stretching gave me baaad moments.

I decreased my kung fu training (because parkour and conditioning didn't gave me problems) and right now I can train, but I can't rise my left leg as my right leg when I kick and, after kicking or staying in posicions wich requires a sort of stretch in that area, the pain strikes back :lol:

I went to a specialist and he told me "inflamation of the abductor muscle(I don't know how you call this muscle)". He gave me medicine and rest, but I only had a low improvement.

Someone know how I can heal myself? Thanks, and sorry for my mispelling! :shock:

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Joshua Naterman

First off, stay away from things that aggravate it while you're healing.

Second, give yourself a few weeks for self therapy starting now.

Do the following:

1) Take at LEAST 10g fish oil a day, at a minimum. It really helps. It helped Ortprod and it's helping me, it works well for controlling inflammation. Stay away from ibuprofin and tylenol unless you REALLY have to have them.

2) At least 3 times a day get a LARGE heating pad, like 12 inches by 24 inches, and put it on for 30 minutes at a time (at the warmest setting that doesn't burn you if it's electric), with a damp cloth between the heating pad and your leg if possible. You may have to reduce the heat a bit for that, the water makes the heat travel faster and deeper so it will help more even at a low setting. If you don't have that, get a large bowl of the hottest water that you can keep your hands in without burning them and a towel. Soak the towel in the water and put it around the outside of your upper leg and hip(same spot you'd put the heating pad). same thing, 30 minutes at a time.

3) Gentle stretching, just to slight tension. Take it slow.

4) After workouts that use your legs, ice the area for 15-20 minutes.

Give this a few weeks, no more than one month. If you have not experienced MAJOR improvements you need to go see a doctor like Patrick said.

I used to fight, and I have had similar issues on occasion. This protocol should help you a LOT. Do not miss days, even if you are feeling 100% by week 3. Do it for the whole month, and keep taking the fish oil. It'll help keep you from having inflammation issues in the future.

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Slizzard, would this work for knees as well? My mother suffers from knee pain. She had surgery a few months, ago, maybe 6. I have long thought she could have rehabbed it instead but well she got the surgery. You can show someone a bunch of exercises but it still won't matter if they don't do them.

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Joshua Naterman

It depends, what what the surgery?

The big problem with surgery is that it removes the symptom without fixing the cause. If you describe the knee condition she had and what was done surgically, I can give a much better answer. I can tell you right now that unless someone tears a ligament or tendon the only reason to even CONSIDER knee surgery is serious arthritis. I suppose there are bone deformities that also have to be cut out, I had a bone spur once that was removed, but that was no big deal since there was no alteration to the functional layout of my knee. No soft tissue was compromised or removed.

Anyhow, try and remember if she walked correctly. I repeat this over and over when knee issues come up because this is seriously the root of pretty much all knee problems. Imbalances that cause a dysfunctional stride create joint weakness that leaves even a well-conditioned athlete(or just a layperson) who has no symptoms prone to serious injuries that are largely preventable by correcting the stride. I'm curious to see your reply, because I can't say much more without that.

Generally speaking, that protocol should work for any type of localized inflammatory condition.

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Is it legal for a minor to buy fish oil in america? I don't want to be embarrassed at the counter.

When my shoulder flares up in pain, I started taking naproxen (advil) and it goes away either the next day or the day after that. However, I'm going to start taking it every day instead of the flaring days to aid healing.

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Joshua Naterman

WOW. Naproxin is Aleve, not Advil. Advil is Ibuprofin. That kind of confusion can really get you messed up, be careful to know what you're taking!NSAIDs, which both of those are, can lead to tendon weakness so don't use it for long periods of time. Stretching, massage, and proper rehab exercises along with the hot/cold water therapy and heating pads are what you should rely on for pain relief, and the fish oil will help a lot as well. If you have acute or severe pain it's fine to take Advil or Aleve until you feel better, but don't take them all the time.

Fish oil isn't considered a medicine, my 5 year old nephew could buy it.

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