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trying to achieve the FL and BL AND OACU


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I'd like to achieve the FL, BL and OACU(one arm chinup) but going about it at the same time seems tricky, any suggestions? The idea I have is to do them more frequently while adjusting the volume of each workout to avoid overtraining. My other goals include static handstands and L-sits, press to handstands, the planche and a variety of lower body feats which im sure will affect the progess of each other.

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Joshua Naterman

The body likes to get strong as a whole. It is true that if you focus on one of those more than the others, you will achieve results faster with that movement in most cases. If you neglect the others, however, you will develop muscular imbalances and you will have a highly increased risk of injury.

If I were you, I'd focus on one push and one pull, like maybe the planche and the OAC, for example. I would still do the others, but the planche would get at least half of my pushing training, while OAC would get the largest portion of the pulls. You do have to be careful with OAC and go very slowly, because it takes a long time for the tendons and ligaments that move the elbow to get strong enough to handle a true OAC. Just follow the progressions, be patient, and you will get there. Train your whole body, focus on one or two things but train them all.

Too much frequency will be bad. It takes a certain amount of time for the body to recover from trauma. The more often you traumatize it, the more likely you are to prevent full healing, which will keep you from making the progress you are looking for.

It is up to you to figure out what works. Trial and error. It is how we who are strong have all become strong. I experimented with high frequency, low volume training, and it did not deliver good results for me. Your body may work differently, so try it if you like. You will find, however, that pushing your body hard with difficult exercises that you can only perform low reps with will strengthen you faster, but will require more rest time as well. If you look through a list of the WODs here, you will see that the same muscle group is only really pushed hard a few times a week at most. Sure, they all work to some degree, but they are only really pushed to the limit a few times. This is because the hard work takes longer to recover from.

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