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Rings only--good idea or not


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I have been working on the static hold progressions at home and where ever I can find time and space to train. I have a travel bag with home made rings, mounting straps, and PVC parallettes that I can take apart to put in my bag-o-tricks.

Here is my question; in my pursuit of streamlining everything and trying to make things as simple and straight foreword as possible, would I benefit or miss out if I do things ONLY on the rings?

My tuck planches, tuck levers, L-sits and everything are, of course, MUCH weaker on the rings. But I am okay with that (no ego here...). Do I need to keep the paralletes mixed with the rings or can I go JUST rings and deal with the extra years of getting to the real planche?

I do handstand work on the ground. Someday I would like to get a ring handstand...

Thanks for any input.

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You won't be able to hold a planche on rings if you won't achive it first on the floor. It's like learning to run before you can walk.

But I would defenitly recomend to mix training both on parralets, bar, rings...

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Thanks Gregor. What you say makes perfect sense. My goal is not necessarily to to do a planche, but to develop my strength. I'm not going to compete. I can hold a better tuck planche on the parallet than I can on the floor. I work on a pullup bar when I can too. I guess my whole question boils down to whether I will be doing myself a disservice by getting rid of my parallets.

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If you won't to do a planche on floor, then do it on the floor to.

If you can do a MU on bar, that doesn't mean you can do it on the rings if you never worked on rings...

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I think everything on the rings is harder. Except hanging. LOL

Because of your wrists, it's easier to do stuff on the paralletes than it is on the floor some times. Although, you're wrists practically have no role on the rings.

Don't get rid of the paralletes. There are things you can do with them that you can't with the other equipment. That, and I don't see a reason to throw them away. Mail them to me! :D

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I don't think I'll actually throw them away. I was just wondering if I need to "worry" about whether or not I pack them... I'll keep them and work them in when I can. I even modified them a bit today so they would fit better in the travel bag. What a wonderful thing PVC is.... :mrgreen:

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Gary, don't glue the PVC together and it still fits in a bag the best. It only takes less than a minute to put them together.

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I have the joints glued except for where each vertical meets the shoulder on the horizontal piece. It packs okay, I have two long pieces and four "T's". I woudn't trust having the bottom of the "T" unglued as well. Do you generally not use any glue Blair?

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