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Electrical elbow twinge 1 mo after injury during ring supports

Nathan Becker 168538

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Nathan Becker 168538

I did RTO ring supports for the first time about 5 weeks ago after hitting a 60 s hold during the previous workout on standard ring supports.  After my first RTO support set which I did at at least a 45 degree turn out (yes, I know that was ill-advised for just starting RTO supports D:), I felt tightness and heat immediately in my left elbow.  Pain set in soon thereafter.  For the next 10 days or so, the joint was warm and moderately painful.  There was little to no loss of mobility or strength.

Like the idiot I am, I put in a few more workout and bouldering sessions over the next 2-3 weeks after the injury.  Although much of the pain, tightness, and apparent inflammation have subsided, I now have a recurring, electrical twinge that I can feel roughly right in the middle of the elbow joint, perhaps slightly medial to that, on the anterior aspect.  The twinge barely registers as painful (1.5 out of 10, maybe) and will happen about 1-10 times per day at random. It lasts no more than 5 seconds.  It may tend to happen more often when my elbow is flexed maybe 20% of the way.  I haven't done anything physical to speak of in the past 12 days or so, but I can't say for sure whether or not the frequency or the intensity of the twinge have started to decrease.  The twinge may have started after a 15 minute bouldering session about 2 weeks after the injury.

Any idea what this twinge may be?  I'm afraid to go back to the gym until it's been absent for several consecutive days, but I'm getting reallllly antsy... :P

Thanks for your help!

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Johannes Thumser



Sorry for not being helpful, but i don't get why people have to train to pain and injury,... 

As Coach would say: You can always do more tomorrow, but you can't undo it if you did too much.


Seek out a medical to get professional advice, in the meantime ice it and rest. Nothing more to say

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Nathan Becker 168538

Yeah, it wasn't bright.  Certainly a lesson learned.  I used to do powerlifting under the old mantra of "train until failure."  After a handful of injuries, this one included, I can't say I subscribe to that theory anymore.

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Coach Sommer

The reason for the pain is simple; your body is not ready to begin focused ring strength training.

Stop.  Go back.  And correct your deficits.

Yours in Fitness,

Coach Sommer

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