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Skill work and post workout


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Hi, mabye its a silly question, but,is good that workout and skill work done before are correlated? Ex: Tumbling and then leg work or skills on rings and ring work, or there is no need to do that? If someone could explain please. Thanks

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Doesn't matter.

In general, you should use your skill work to work a lot on your balance/proprioceptive/awareness skills.

Strength and conditioning is strength and conditioning..

Priorities from each change depending on how you progress and what level you are at. Not according to your S&C.

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I prefer to do leg work after upper body and core/back conditioning. Then I may more some more specific upper body and core/back stuff and then do mobility, prehab and stretch. Quite often I'll warm up floor basics, then tumble or sometimes hit a swinging event like rings or HB. After that I'll vault or tumble and then hit a support event like PB or pommels. This is because in our old group, we worked PH/FX/HB or SR/V/PB or swapped the 1st and 3rd events. Generally we did some HS stuff like presses and standing back tucks right after our WU then after the 3 events did S&C, stretch.

When I work rings, I like to work some ring strength but in very low volume. Do a set of swings on rings, in/dis-locate/uprise or flyaway and then go work a press to handstand or lever pullout or muscle-up or cross drill. Rinse, repeat. Again the strength work is done in low volume and sometimes I will do a ring strength routine at the end.

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