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Edward Smith

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Edward Smith

I know these are a good active flexibility exercise, and I feel they are good for preparing for planches and front levers and the likes. I think I remember Coach Sommer stating these are a good prehab/rehab exercise, is this correct? I was just wondering what people think of dislocates and how to implement them? and anyother prehab/rehab exercises

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If you're not use to them or do them correctly they will make hell on your shoulders, when I started off with inlocates and dislocates my shoulders felt bruised all the time, you just need to get use to the movement other than that it feels nice, I wouldn't say they are good for rehab, there isn't much flexibility needed for these skills since I was able to do them, it's more of a skill you do to check something off your list, it should become almost natural like an L-sit or turning the rings out while holding a skill.

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defiantly true, they used to hurt my shoulders but after you get it down u don't need nearly as much flexibility

they way i learned it is doing fly aways and one day i held on after i did the flip and bam, i did it, sounds easy but before that day i couldn't do them at all

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Are we talking stick dis/in-locates are swinging discolates on rings.

As for rings, developing really big swings with good turnover. From there the turn and roll is fairly simple. Without a big swing, it'll chew your shoulders up quite a bit. Same as far as inlocate.

As for doing them with sticks, I find them fairly awkward with an inlocate grip. Good stuff as a warmup and active flexibility drill. Basically a must for men's gymnastics and any decent tumbler.

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Edward Smith

oww sorry for the confusion, I didn't clarify. I am talking about doing dislocates with a stick or rope not on rings. Sorry for not clarifying that earlier I was away for the week.

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