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GST and Muscle size


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Hello Guys


My goal isnt common with the rest of you ( i think ) my main goal is to get big and have functional strength. But will F1-2-3-4 give me this? i eat healthy with alot of veggies. But can F1 i just started on give me more mass?



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Kingsley Cross

It's been over a year working with F1 and H1, and it has transformed my physical look and strength so far.  At first I lost MAD weight.  People who know me for the longest thought I was sick (nowadays they looking at me in aw somewhat (as they are seeing my results)).


Before coming into the forum today, I took off my shirt just to look in the mirror, for I'm about to go jogging.  And so I jugged in place for a second, just to see "Me".  I tell you I'm in the best shape ever and that is just today (looking forward to progressions as the years go by).  I'm sure you hear that from people periodically.  But just imagine anatomy (or even Bruce Lee's look (but slightly bigger & looking forward to more gains)) and seeing (and knowing) that you will get not only size, but your joints will thank you as you get older (can't say for a powerlifter I spoke to at Planet Fitness).  


You can see my past videos from recent (how I'm looking now) to past (how I looked lifting weights and other forms of calisthenics).  Check out my youtube page (the proof is in the pudding.

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Thanks for reply

Kingzlo is that your youtube name?

How long have you been using training GST and how fair are you in F1-2-3-4?

And post your diet :)

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Alessandro Mainente

foundations gives you a starting point for advanced rings strength elements, at this point your body will start to explode starting from biceps, to shoulders and chest!

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Ivan Pavlovic

If you have genetics to be big you will get big.

I personaly have 80 kg at 177cm height, i never lifted weights only my own bodyweight.

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Leonhard Krahé

After only ~2.5 months into F1, I notice that my shoulders have already become bigger and my core feels more muscular than ever.

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Daniel Taylor-Shaut

You will not get as big as Ronnie Coleman on this routine. That being said, however, look up Yuri Van Gelder or Iordan Iovtchev. While not huge, their arms and definition are quite noticeable on rather small frames. What gymnastics will give you is pound-for-pound compressed strength and definition. Meaning you'll be the strongest possible with the least amount of bodyweight on you. Depending upon your rate of progression, you will see marked strength (and size) increases in your core, your shoulders, and legs. Of note, by the time you finish F2 you will also be insanely strong and MUCH stronger than about 90-95% of the general population. (I am not anywhere near that point, I purchased F1 and F2 to help with mobility issues, but seeing where I will end up by the end of that program is enticing and extremely awe-inspiring: Bulgarian ring dips, pistol squats, bent arm straddle planches, body lever/dragon flags, l-sit pullups, etc.). So, just fathom where F3 and F4 might take you...

As an added bonus, your joint and connective tissue strength will be better than about 98% of the population because you will be able to move through more ROM than you probably currently realize you are capable. Of course, all of this takes a lot of dedicated time and effort, but like many say you get out what you put in.

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Jeffrey Mailly

If your "Goal" is to get big then this might not be the program for you. Plenty of olympic lifting programs out there like Crossfit and powerlifting that could help you achieve that goal MUCH faster. This program was designed for mobility and strength with any muscle gains as a side effect of this type of training. Doing the Foundation series with the goal of growing large muscles is like playing baseball to get better at football.

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Edoardo Roberto Cagnola

Doing the Foundation series with the goal of growing large muscles is like playing baseball to get better at football.

I wouldn't go as far as saying that. If you eat enough you'll still gain muscle since all the variables to do so are there (intensity, volume..).

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Stephen Majerle

Most definitely foundation can be used to add muscle mass. I've added 23lbs in two years with foundation (went from 173 to 196).

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Jay Bailey

Foundation can be used to gain muscle mass, but there are programs out there that, unlike Foundation, are designed specifically for muscle gain. Foundation is good for a lot of things, but it's not going to be as effective at gaining muscle as a dedicated hypertrophy-focused weightlifting routine, because that's not what Foundation is aiming for.

All strength is functional strength, so if you want to get big and gain functional strength, I'd lift weights instead.

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Mikkel Ravn



Hello Guys


My goal isnt common with the rest of you ( i think ) my main goal is to get big and have functional strength. But will F1-2-3-4 give me this? i eat healthy with alot of veggies. But can F1 i just started on give me more mass?




Personally, I have gained quite a bit of muscle on the F-series, but I notice that it is mainly on the torso, but of course also on the limbs. This makes sense, since the muscles on the torso are the foundation for strength (I believe Mark Rippetoe mentions this concept in "Starting strength").


Volume is somewhat limited later in the F-series, as the focus is on strength, rather than higher reps. To promote extra growth, you can simply do more sets, if you please. Now this may slow down your progress, but to each his own. I have personally added quite a bit of assistance work for the HBP progression, because I think I need a bit more meat on my triceps and deltoids to be able to master the later handstand pushup progressions.

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Mark Collins

At the last seminar I went to there was no lack of muscle and it was functional. As long as youngest your nutrition right and train hard your body will change. There is a distinct look that you will get with GST that is different from a bodybuilder look. You will also be able to use the muscle to move well.

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Jeffrey Mailly

Salivanth - You said it. That is what I was driving at. I don't think it would be wise to approach a functional strength and conditioning program like GST with the PRIMARY goal of gaining muscle mass. There are other programs out there better suited for it IMO. I'm not saying you can't or won't gain muscle mass doing GST. Obviously you will I mean look at most olympic gymnasts. But I doubt any of them were after a chiseled physique.

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Kingsley Cross

Thanks for reply

Kingzlo is that your youtube name?

How long have you been using training GST and how fair are you in F1-2-3-4?

And post your diet :)

Yes, kingzlo is my youtube name.  Or you can do a search for my real name, Kingsley Cross.  I've been doing GST for over a year now.  


As for my diet, I eat what my family cooks and I've been leaning towards more vegetables, nuts, fruits, oatmeal, etc.  I don't eat big as I used to when I was lifting weights.  


Just yesterday I trained a client at home, private training, and her son wanted to train under me for he saw how I'm ripped (still working on that).  I told him to check my youtube page at first for I had a sweater on.  I then took off my sweater and had my tank top on, and from there he was convinced and wanted to get some personal training.  

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