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Friends first time on rings, pure strength, muscle-up!


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My friend was over last night, he has the perfect build for a gymnast. I had my rings up and showed him a muscle-up and he tried some. the first few he tried he didn't do it but he said "I think I can do it." Anyway he pulled himself up and was just freezing under the transition point of the MU. I was thinking, "He's not gonna do it." but then he just pulled himself thrue the transition, slowly, and pushed up to support. He did this all without leaning over the rings! :shock: I think he could do a MU just like Andreas Aguilar if he start training them.

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Yeah, he's from the Philippines and is about 5-1. Next time he comes over I'll see if I can get a video.

I learned how to do a slow musle-up thrue the transition too, but I lean forward pretty far.

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