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Ready to start -- but I'll be traveling a lot

Helgi Freyr Rúnarsson

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Helgi Freyr Rúnarsson



I'm ready to start with F1+H1 but in August, I will only be at home for 4 days and the rest I will be traveling. The first two weeks I will be in a dangerous city in a country where I don't speak the language and haven't been before so simply going outside and searching for a park or something like that might not be an option.


I am wondering whether I could start the program now and still do them while traveling or if I should wait until I am at home again, or at least at a place where I can find a park or something similar to work out (which will be the last 2 weeks of august and the first of september).


I know the equipment "requirements" for the programs but I am wondering whether the first few weeks could be worked with no equipment at all basically.


So to summarize, in the first 3-4 weeks of F1+H1, can I make do without any equipment at all or something very simple?

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I'm certainly no expert on this program, but I've done the training in a few different spots where no real equipment was available and found it really easy to figure out ways to use the furniture in the room to workout with.

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Douglas Reinot

The biggest requirement for most of the progressions' beginning elements is a floor. You may need to get creative for the pulling progression, some of the elements requiring a stable raised surface, or some of the mobility exercises depending on how far along you start. A few require something to pull on and small weighted dumbbells or bars. I wouldn't let any of this stop you. If you're really ready to go, you'll make it work for those 2 weeks :). There is lots of great advice/creative ideas in the equipment and F1/H1 specific forums for make-do solutions, too, if you're not sure how to approach a particular exercise.  


It took me some time to get used to the flow of the workout (not that I'm an expert at this point either! I'm still experimenting) and get a handle on all the material. If anything it might be good to just work through whatever you can for 2 weeks to just acclimate yourself to the movement patterns so you're better equipped to really get going when you get back from your summer travels. As a desk monkey of 10 years I started the program about 5 months ago; I have never felt better and regret every day I put off getting started. There's no zeal like a convert's though, so take the advice for what you will!

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Helgi Freyr Rúnarsson

Thanks guys!


I had been waiting since I didn't have the money up until now :)

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