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What to do with handstands?

Timothy Aiken

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Timothy Aiken

So I've got a solid handstand, with some work needing to be done on alignment, but that's being done with handstand one. 


What can I do in terms of hand balancing while my handstand form improves. I do handstand walks, forward rolls from handstand into things like cartwheel side sumi, pirouettes, straddle, not tuck because my form dies, crocodile, QDR, and working on airbaby.


What are some fun things I can do on my hands? Drills, challenges, etc. 

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Daniel Burnham

Sounds like you have a lot going on as it is. Learning things without good handstand form is tricky because often the movement changes once you have good form. Best bet is to lock down the form as best you can and then work on things like pirouettes, presses etc...

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Timothy Aiken

Thanks! So would you suggest I only do alignment work on handstands? Like do my normal H1, a few handstand holds, and then move on to crocodile and qdr, to prevent bad habits in handstand from forming? Or is it safe to work things like straddle?

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