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a few basic questions for structuring a workout


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I am new to gymnastics training, but have been interested for a very long time. I am purchasing a set of Xtreme Rings and I planning on performing ring based workouts. (I have read the forums before. If I have repeated a question(s) that has previously been answered, I apologize in advance.)

I have heard that one should rest 2-3 minutes between sets in a workout (for strength and some muscle gain).

Is this true and should it be done by performing:

pullups, rest pullups, rest, ..., pushups, rest, pushups, rest, ..., rows, rest, rows, rest, ..., ... OR

pullup, rest, pushups, rest, rows, rest, dips, rest, etc?

How long should me workout be (or not be)? I have heard that one's workout should be under one hour. I don't see how I can incorporate static holds followed by 3-5 sets of pullups, pushups, rows, dips, HSPU followed by pistols, sprints.

I really want to include a solid full body strength routine but how should I include static holds?

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it can be done in around an hour, that sort of depends on how long your warmup and cooldown is.

you can pair push and pulling exercises together.

for example: front lever then planche rest 45-90s per static strength rest period

do your statics before you do stuff like dips and pullups. you can do handstand work ( handstands, presses ) after your warmup, as your warmup or at the end of your main workout. it sort of depends how difficult they are for you.

most of my workouts tend to be around 90 minutes to 2 hours but that is because i try to fit in a lot of skill work before the strength work and because i have more than enough time to kill.

if i was to do what i consider a proper gymnastics workout for myself, it would probably be 2-3 hours for warmup and cooldown (stretching ) and basic skill work + a few events and apparatus and then S&C. whether i workout that long depends on how much energy and time i have.

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Thank you. That time sounds about right. My workouts are in that range as well (including a warmup and cooldown).

For the strength specific training, would you recommend pair pull/push, rest, pull/push, rest, ... and core/legs, rest, ... or going through each category with rest in between? Some people on this forum (and in some articles I have read) say that is more effective (pull, rest, pull, rest, ..., push, rest, push, rest, ..., core, rest, core, rest, ..., legs, rest, legs, rest, ...). Time is not an issue for me - I would rather spend quality time on my routine than breeze through it and get substandard gains.

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More rest is better and optimal but pairing can be pretty optimal. Pretty optimal. If the workout time gets too long, I need a snack break in the middle besides some sort of food beforehand otherwise I will eventually peter out.

Core/Legs is weird. Just be wary you don't focus on too much of it as it can kill some of your static training and don't overvalue it more than your static training, IMO. Honestly, that's your program choice. I generally put them as finishers.

I generally do at least 3 and no more than 5 sets of most exercises except when making metcons of some movmements or doing DL ( more than 3 seems to be a catastrophe the next day ).

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I know core and legs may be kind of weird, but I am not into gymnastics (yet). I merely like the physical aspects of gymnastics and the benefits it provides. Considering I am joining the military, I believe these two components, the core and legs, are critical aspects of my physical fitness. I believe I will incorporate them by performing a pull/push routine followed by a core/legs routine. I also run cross country, so my strength gains I believe will be seriously hampered (I have just started gymnastics training so the validity of that statement is questionable). I can only hope for the best.

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Prepare for those pushup and pullups.

Just depends on how often you do XC. XC as in on the side or competing it in HS.

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I am competing in XC as I have been for several years. I would rather have the physique of a gymnast than the physique of a runner. It is a strength v. endurance question - I prefer strength (as almost everyone on this website does).

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