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Additional weight training

Katharina Huemer

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Katharina Huemer

Hello guys!

I have got a real big problem at the moment.

Some months ago, when I didn't know of all those incredibly gymnastic strength stuff, I wanted to add some weight  training to my normal acrobatics, which I do 3 times a week, because we nearly do now strength at training.

Here is Austria, it is pretty popular to hire a "private" coach. They check you, ask for your goals and then make an individual training and diet plan for 4 months. Then you have the next check-up if you want.

I wanted to do this first and told some of my friends, but it's really expensive so I didn't really thought about it. I also don't really like gyms or weight training in general.

For my birthday, they suddenly surprised me with that! They got me a voucher for a body-fat and fitness check at the gym and then a tailored workout-schedule. 

Now I don't know what to do. I just started F1 a few weeks ago and I like it. But they would notice if I won't do it. We also now the coach, he is pretty poular among the youth here, because many boys hire him.

The thing is, I actually don't really like this crossfit or bodybuilding scene. They think they are amazing when they do 10 kipping pull-ups and show off their toned bodies on any occasion, but for me, the gymnasts who train "in silence" are the real kings  :P 

Anyways, the coach I could go to is really good. He has a lot of knowledge and is really strong and sometimes also does a lil bizt of calisthenics.

I am pretty confused know. I somewhere read in this forum, that you should not do additional weight training. But I can't really say "I don't need this and won't do it" because they really thought about it and it was super expensive.

As you might already know, my goals are some pull-ups, rope climb, hanging leg raises on stall bars, L-sit walks and press handstands, maybe some planches later on.

I wanted to work on F1 3 times a week, 3 times acrobatics training,  cardio once a week.

Could I fit the weight trainig somewhere? Will it be bad for progress if I would do 1 weight training session per week instead of one F1 training session?

The voucher is for 4 months. I do not want to continue going to the gym after those 4 months.

As I am still in the beginning phase, would it be beneficial to have some weight training for the first 4 months? And then replace the gym session by another F1 session. Or is it nonsense?

My brother has never done any gymnastics stuff, he actually was a little bit chubby until last year. He is working out about 2-3 times a week for 1 hour with some friends. He eats mostly sweets and fast food and no protein, but he is really strong and can nearly do a hollow back press, although all he does is weight training. But his core sucks  ;) So maybe it could make my arms stromger?

I hope someone here can give me any advice!!

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i think you should give the weight training a try its only for 4 months, if the coach is that good it can really help you get stronger just tell him whats your goal because weight training can be very helpful to gain strength if used the right way

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Katharina Huemer

i think you should give the weight training a try its only for 4 months, if the coach is that good it can really help you get stronger just tell him whats your goal because weight training can be very helpful to gain strength if used the right way

Ok, thanks!

Yes, I will do it sooner or later. I was just wondering if it would be more beneficial or hindering for the progress with F1. And how often I should do it to make the best out of it. 

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Kate Abernethy

The weight training may hinder F1 and vice versa if you are not careful about over-training. It may be best to do 4 months of basic weight training movements with the mobility elements of F1, and then go full-on with F1.

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Coach Sommer

I would set the 4 months coupon aside until after mastering at least F2 at a minimum and focus on taking care of first things first.


Yours in Fitness,

Coach Sommer

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Kevin Conley

I am getting close to finishing all of F1, and I would also recommend what Coach Sommer has said. F1 and F2 really lay a great basis for not only GST, but also for weight lifting.

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Joshua Slocum

You could always use the voucher, explain your position to the coach (you're wanting to focus on Foundation, especially for upper-body work) and see if they have any ideas for work that you could do on top of that. 

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Katharina Huemer

Does the voucher have an expiration date? That might influence the decision.

Yes. It expires in 1 year. But I guess that in September uni is getting quiet hard and I am not sure if i will have that much time to do it additionally to training and F. 

Btw, I will finish F1 in about 3 months I guess, maybe sooner. I am stuck at the dips :/

But if it hinders the progress...I will just stick to F1!

Thank you!

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Connor Davies

See personally I'm quite heavy, so it can make it fairly hard to progress through the bodyweight stuff.  Not impossible mind, just each progression is a little more of a jump than other people may have.  Weight training works for someone like me, because you can adjust the variables to exactly fit what you're trying to accomplish without being restricted by extra weight.  (Well, I mean, I could just lose weight, but still.....)


For what it's worth, I've heard of someone getting 20+ pullups just from barbell training, so it will definitely have some carryover to your goals.  If it's only for a few months, you wouldn't be missing out on too much if you put Foundation to the side and picked it up again later.  But I'd recommend keeping up with the mobility work at the very least.


Oh, and in my experience weight training has very little carryover to dips because of the joint angles involved.  So it probably won't help you past your current sticking point....

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