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OAC vs OAP (open question)


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Alessandro Mainente

oac is definitely easier, it activates long head biceps and short head biceps plus brachioradialis (that is the only one forearm muscle that helps the flexion), long/short head are far stronger then the other tendons, this is confirmed by the enormous quantity of SA preparation for brachialis tendon you can see in gymnastic.

oap is more brachialis oriented since the forearm is prone instead of supine. since the brachialis is naturally weak if compared with long/short head biceps tendons, for the oap is necessary more tendon conditioning. the fact that some people experiment oac harder is simply because from dead hang the elbows can be completely extended  and the extra external rotation due to supine grip partially deactivate the lats as depressor making the exercise harder. on the other way people feel the prone grip easier since you start in a intra rotated position. plus to that some people have weak elbow / scaps mobility in order to maintain a full arm extension and scapula depression in the oap version, it makes the movement easier because the rom is limited.

in terms of triceps strength, and lats strength there is no difference, as we add the biceps component, OAC becomes easier.

for beginner oap and oac are not necessary if the elbow is not well prepared. rope climbing, one arm rope pull is far more productive compared to these version (cit. CS).

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for beginner oap and oac are not necessary if the elbow is not well prepared. rope climbing, one arm rope pull is far more productive compared to these version (cit. CS).

What do you mean in the brackets at the end?

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