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Do wrist pushups work Finger Extensors?

Bryan Wheelock

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Bryan Wheelock
We do a lot of grip work working the finger flexors, but almost no work with Finger Extensors.

The only thing I'm aware of that's incorporated with BtGB and Foundation are Wrist Pushups.


I can see a lot of activity in my forearm muscles as I extend my fingers, but I'm not sure if the forearm muscles control finger extension or if they work in conjunction with other muscles.


It seems it'd be a good idea some finger extensor work with Rubber bands or manual resistance.

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Joshua Slocum

Yeah, I've added in some light work - I keep a band by my desk and do some extensions throughout the day.

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Joshua Slocum

H1 does contain finger extension exercises

I believe you have confused extension with flexion. Fingertip pushups are a fantastic finger flexion exercise, but I haven't seen any extension exercises in H1. 

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I believe you have confused extension with flexion. Fingertip pushups are a fantastic finger flexion exercise, but I haven't seen any extension exercises in H1. 

FKP is finger extension, I'm not talking about FTP.  FTP isn't finger flexion either, that's wrist flexion

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Joshua Slocum

FKP is finger extension, I'm not talking about FTP

Not really. The fingers extend, yes, but the actuation comes from the wrist flexors. If it were a finger extensor exercise, your palms would remain on the floor while your fingers lifted up. 

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What would be the best way to condition the thumbs for planche work? I keep running into thumb pain from it if I do anything on the floor and it doesn't seem to be a common issue.

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Joshua Slocum

You're probably putting too much weight on your hands too quickly. The solution to that would be to build up more slowly from an easier progression. 

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