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Met con effects on H2 Progress

Tyler Schmitz

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Tyler Schmitz

Hey guys, I'm curious. How do you think doing a few met cons (mostly OLifting) would effect mobility/flexibility progress in Handstand 2? I ask this only because summer is coming up and I'd like to stay somewhat metabolically fit, mostly for social reasons and health. Thanks!

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Connor Davies

Well, I'm not a fan of high rep / low rest O lifting, but that's just in general, not specific to H2.


Since O lifts require quite a lot of flexibility to perform correctly, I wouldn't worry about it too much as long as you're stretching as well.

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Hey guys, I'm curious. How do you think doing a few met cons (mostly OLifting) would effect mobility/flexibility progress in Handstand 2? I ask this only because summer is coming up and I'd like to stay somewhat metabolically fit, mostly for social reasons and health. Thanks!

Olympic lifting for met-con? Is that wise?
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Tyler Schmitz

It's probably the most efficient athletic met-con training you can do, especially when done with others. Crossfit does it all the time. Be it wise or not, it certainly works well with a med student's schedule. 

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Daniel Burnham

Technical lifting should not be done for metabolic training unless you are either very skilled ,or have a coach watching you to make sure form doesn't break down. Metabolic training is not really specific to the mode. Basically doing anything that gets the heart rate up and uses a great deal of the body's muscle with have the same effect. Sprinting, rowing, kettle bell swings, sled pulling, etc all will do the same thing in the same amount of time. Letting form break in favor of getting a conditioning workout it is dangerous and irresponsible. Im not saying it can't be done correctly, but it rarely is.


But back to the main question.  Metcons shouldn't interfere with H1.  I would suggest that H1 is done before the met con so that being tired does not cause a form break in the handstand exercises.  Only thing to keep an eye on is overtraining, and h1 isn't really that taxing.

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Tyler Schmitz

Appreciate it man. I understand the dangers of it; however, when I do a high rep met-con (say at most 10-12 reps), I do much lighter weight. I've done O Lifting for awhile now so my form is fine. I just prefer the lifting rather than running/jumping/etc if I'm not chasing a ball around. lol I'll be sure to perform my H2/PE and iM first for sure.

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It does depend on the amount of weight that you're chucking around. You can still get your HR going pretty high working with 50 or 75 pounds (e.g. 30/40% max) and even if form breaks down it's not going to hurt you. But then you are not training that lift, you're just training in general and any training would do as Daniel mentioned. 

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