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Muscle imbalance problems

Roy Bruinsma

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Roy Bruinsma

I have a full front lever back lever evrything, but when i am in the front lever all i feel is my right lat working, while the left part of my back i only feel upperback muscles rhomboid teres etc. I know about anatomy but this is just annoying me, my left part of the back looks thicker while right looks wider but flat, i dont understand this imbalance and cant seem to get rid of it... Also my left arm is mini vs right arm but then i look bigger on left because my back sticks out lol... Long story but plz help its annoying and i think its affecting my progress !!

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David McManamon

Everyone has some level of imbalance and as they worsen your chances of injury keep rising.  I would start training the left and right sides separately for most exercises.  You will have to buy a gym membership so you can measure the imbalance by changing the resistance levels and track your progress as you work to eliminate it.

If you feel you are working both sides unequally then they will continue to develop differently until you correct this problem.  Sometimes favoring one side can be subconscious too so a coach correcting your form before you note an imbalance would also help.

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Roy Bruinsma

I am aware of my imbalance, i am aware of how my muscles work, i am aware of muscle anatomy and how muscles move in a exserice i just cant use the same muscles for right as i am using with left and its just anmoying me

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Joshua Naterman

I am aware of my imbalance, i am aware of how my muscles work, i am aware of muscle anatomy and how muscles move in a exserice i just cant use the same muscles for right as i am using with left and its just anmoying me

I will recommend that you look into seeing a Muscle Activation Techniques specialist if you can't figure out how to clear this up on your own.




For some on-your-own work, you should start off by grabbing something and doing some isometrics that allow you to FEEL the muscles that you want to feel. Not much of anything else... you don't want to feel your back arching or your core clenching up... you just want to feel that muscle working. A few sets of ~5s isometrics targeting those muscles can help you start to reconnect with them. This means a fairly light contraction. It may take some practice, but this is worth doing.

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