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Tuck Planche, Hip Lifts

Sailor Venus

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Sailor Venus

I discovered a way to create a tuck planche. When doing dips, at the apex of the dip, I roll my shoulders forward and lift my hips up - I build shoulder strength by doing that. I find it more effective than doing frog stands. Frog stands don't help me much.


From there I can either extend my legs backwards to work towards a straddle planche or extend my legs forward in front of me to achieve a L-straddle.


My current problem is I couldn't lift my hips up to shoulder height. At the moment it is just under it. Shall I keep doing sets of hip lifts and eventually I have the strength to raise my hips higher than my shoulders? Thanks.

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Alessandro Mainente

i think the reason is that you don0t have enough strenght into shoulders tomaintain the hips high. probably if you try to do it evenly now you will lose the scapular protraction that is optimal for planche execusion.

At your level i suggest to you to work over foundation ONE that actually is covering exactly the steps you need to build up some basic strenght to avoid low quality work and to prepare your body for future more advanced skills!

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