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What would you recommend changing re: this workout schedule?


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Only recently started to get back in to shape. I've cobbled together a workout program based off of BTGB and the different tutorials on this site, though its undoubtedly got a lot of work that needs to be done to it. I tested myself and was able to do the 6 pre requisite holds (plank, reverse plank, hollow hold, arch hollow in superman position, parallel bar support, chin up grip dead hang) for 60 seconds 3 times each, so I've been one 60 second rep of each as a warmup now.


The schedule calls for doing these following the variations of these FSP's 5 days in a row:


L sit, straddle, planche, manna, front lever and back lever.


I'll also be doing 3 sets of 5 repetitions of L sits to tuck planches (I'll just call them l2p for space), to build up strength so I can get to the flat tuck planche - I'm at the tuck planche now. Im also doing row variations and dips with slightly greater reps than the l2p. I'll also be doing a total of 10 minutes worth of time spent doing (handstands plus rest) twice a week.


On an alternatig basis, I'm going to be doing 4 FBE's per day. Pullup, rows, V up and hollow back press variations 3 days a week, and pushup, handstand pushups, dips and squat variations the other 3 days a week.


So basically:


Mon. - Warmups, L sit, straddle, planche, manna, front lever and back lever, l2p, pullups, rows, v ups, hollow back press, handstands.

Tues. - Warmups, L sit, straddle, planche, manna, front lever and back lever, l2p, pushups, handstand pushups, squats, dips.

Wed. - Warmups, L sit, straddle, planche, manna, front lever and back lever, l2p, pullups, rows, v ups, hollow back press.

Thurs. - Warmups, L sit, straddle, planche, manna, front lever and back lever, l2p, pushups, handstand pushups, squats, dips, handstands.

Fri.- Warmups, L sit, straddle, planche, manna, front lever and back lever, l2p, pullups, rows, v ups, hollow back press.

Sat.- Pushups, handstand pushups, squats, dips.

Sun. - Rest


Currently I'm able to hold a handstand for ~2 minutes, and l sit advanced, tuck planche, flat tuck front lever, flat tuck back lever, MSH low, straddle L with one hand center for ~30 seconds or so, so each will be ~4 reps of 15 seconds. I've been doing my pushups and pullups based off of the 100 pushup schedule and 20 pullup schedules, and have been able to increase my pullups from 0 to 14 in ~2.5 months (I was in pretty bad shape, lol). I've also been keeping a fairly regular and strict diet with upwards of 1 gram of protien per lb of lean body mass per day, with at least 2 liters of water, and since new years, have dropped from 183 lbs to a current 170 (I'm guessing that I've put on a few pounds of muscle as well as fat lost). In a larger context, Ive been following the "slow carb diet" from "The 4 hour body."


Any thoughts on this schedule would be greatly appreciated. I dont feel overburdened, and I'm not terribly sore regularly (except in the muscles that are being targeted by the pushups and pullups, though its not that significant).



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Klaudius Petrulis

I would personally give myself a day of rest between each workout if you program them like that. But if you're comfortable with the way it is, then I don't see any major flaws.

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Looks really solid and by doing all that 5 days a week one can only expect to develop strength very quickly in all those holds if you keep that up and stay consistent.


If you feel good with it then it must be working for you.  It's fine to train 5 days a week like that the only reason it wouldn't be is if you aren't developed enough then you may risk overtraining yourself.  It's a good idea to work your way up to training 5 days in a row.  


My routine right now for instance is only Mon, Wed, Fri, but I do statics everyday sometimes 7 days a week.  The program I train does progress to more advanced levels and becomes Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri.  Right now it would be stupid for me to try that b/c my joints and tendons are not ready for that amount of stress, as much as I want to go all out everyday haha!

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Ok, thanks yall. Just so long as there arent any glaring deficiencies or anything like that, I  think Ill be good for a while doing this. I appreciate the replies.

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