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Found 6 results

  1. Mike Simpson

    Metal or Wooden Stall Bars?

    After lots of research, I'm ready to pull the trigger on the Rogue Stall Bar 3.0 and want recommendations on metal or wood. Price is not a factor. Comfort and safety are key. These will be installed in an unheated garage. Thanks for your suggestions!
  2. Ian C Flores

    Stall Bars on Amazon - which one?

    Hi everyone, I'm just starting on my GST journey, but am fully committed. In particular I'm looking at Stall Bars at this stage as this is an integral part of the program. I would love to make my own, but I know this is something that would just allow me to procrastinate getting on with my training. I would love to get the Rogue Stall Bars, but don't have $700+ to drop on them. HOWEVER, I am an Amazon Prime member and get free shipping... yay! I don't mind dropping a few hundred, I'm not trying to skimp, but I can't drop close to $1000.00. There are a few sets on there, but I'm fairly ignorant when it comes to material (wood vs metal), height (I'm 5'10" and weigh 185lbs). If anyone, a coach preferably, could recommend a set that's offered on Amazon.com that would be hugely beneficial and most appreciated. Thank you, Ianca
  3. How much space is needed between the wall and the stall bar? I know I need more space as is because I cannot rotate my knuckles all around the rods without hitting my knuckles on the wall. See pictures attached. I think I’ll need to put a strip of wood in between the wall and stall bar to crest more space. Any advice is appreciated!! I got the stall bar for $219 with free shipping on eBay and seems pretty good: https://m.ebay.com/itm/Wood-Stall-Bar-Swedish-Ladder-Gymnastics-Bar-Great-For-Gyms-Physical-Therapy/332380620014?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649#vi__app-cvip-panel
  4. Igor De Britto

    Stall bars on masonry wall

    Hey there, folks! I just received my stall bars and came to realize I hadn't done much research on how or where to install them. I'd love your input so that I can hang without fearing rippings and falls! Here's the situation: My whole house is made if masonry walls. Ceiling will always come <2,60m height, but there are a few places with 2,60m. Lots of walls have hammock hooks. I've read before that they can be used, but then found no recomendation on how. Are there any guidelines, such as recomended screw anchors, wall positions and the likes? I'm guessing a wall with hammock hooks is a good candidate (as long as hammock AND stall bars don't get used at the same time). Also, I've seen some mentions to "legged" stall bars, but couldn't understand it after a few google searches. Any pointers?
  5. Rajesh Bhat

    Ladder as Stall Bar

    Okay. Before buying any courses, I'm gathering equipment. So I decided I would use a ladder as my stall bar, by buying an extension ladder and hooking it to a pole in the park via tie down straps, as explained here: https://www.gymnasticbodies.com/forum/topic/11662-ladder-as-stall-bars-substitute/. Speaking of which, is that safe? Anyways, I was thinking of buying either this: http://www.homedepot.com/p/Werner-8-ft-Aluminum-D-Rung-Straight-Extension-Ladder-with-300-lb-Load-Capacity-Type-IA-Duty-Rating-D1508-1/203134220?cm_mmc=shopping-_-googleads-_-pla-_-203134220&ci_sku=203134220&ci_gpa=pla&ci_src=17588969&gclid=Cj0KEQjw7IWgBRCjv8Cv4vfC3ckBEiQAE7nvR9AFTBrg7PqJtNMXkWPa3MQJXWtDCDjaXw8ENhu-vKAaAmQe8P8HAQ which is an 8 foot, aluminum ladder. OR http://www.homedepot.com/p/Xtend-Climb-8-5-ft-Telescoping-Aluminum-Extension-Ladder-with-225-lb-Load-Capacity-Type-II-Duty-rating-750P: which is a telescoping ladder. Do you think the telescoping ladder is any less stable? The only reason I was looking at the telescoping one, is because it's more portable, and I don't want to walk up the hill with an 8 foot ladder! So, does anyone think the first one is better. Is this idea even safe? Thanks Sorry for the long post.
  6. Bobby Bogdanovski

    Stall Bars In Australia?

    Does anyone know where I can buy wooden stall bars in Australia? I'm having a terribly hard time finding a local supplier online
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