Blast the Diet, Reform Your Eating Habits Instead

eating habits

Reform Your Eating Habits Drop some freshly marinated motivation on the grill, toss up a little “can-do-never-gonna-quit” salad, trash any leftover excuses, and dine at the table of your dreams. Think this sounds cheesy? The truth is, the more positivity you feed your psyche, the higher chance you have at success, anywhere in life. Couple

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3 Tips to Get Rock Solid Abs and Obliques

abs and obliques

Do you want abs and obliques that demand attention? The information we’re about to share isn’t overly complicated, which means anyone can achieve a strong and healthy midsection. Developing six-pack abs and a functional core is easy and there shouldn’t be a single thing holding you back. If you want washboard abs and solid obliques,

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Habits to Increase Productivity While Staying Balanced


What do your habits say about you? Do they embody the healthy and well life you want to live? You have the power to change the outcome of each day, and your success and well-being depend on it. By incorporating these simple, yet powerful habits you can set yourself on a path towards living a

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Increase Metabolism and Shred Fat with GST

Increase Metabolism and Shred Fat with GST 2

Ready to start firing up your metabolism and fat burning engines?! GymnasticBodies has you covered with heart pumping, full-body workouts, and meal management tips to keep your metabolic engine revved high. Get ready to explore the essentials of keeping a boosted metabolism, day after day, while getting leaner, fitter, and healthier. Full Body Conditioning for

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Sleep Hygiene: Bedtime Tips for Better Recovery

fitness sleep hygiene

There are a million reasons to give some extra attention to sleep hygiene. Sleep is when your body releases human growth hormones that rebuild you from your workouts, making it an essential component to an athlete's daily life. As a result, sleep boosts immune health, enhances performance, improves mental energy and mood, promotes a healthy body

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Protein: Truths, Myths, and How Much You Need to Thrive!

protein in athlete diet

Let’s trim the fat, simplify protein, and address the ins and outs of this largely misunderstood nutrient. Protein seems to either be wildly overcomplicated, neglected completely, or the source of unusual misconceptions and strange gym rituals. The truth is that protein in your diet is simple! We won’t get into all of the nonsense surrounding protein. Instead,

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Fat Loss and Muscle Gain: Skip the Scale

fat loss and muscle gain

Don’t let the numbers on the scale or other tricky body measurements get you down! Fat loss and muscle gain can be easy! We have THE BEST diet and exercise tips to improve your body’s composition and help you make steady progress towards your goals. The number on the scale can be misleading. For one thing,

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How To Safely Gain More Flexibility

GymnasticBodies athlete demonstrates oblique flexibility in a pancake stretch.

The everlasting battle between training for strength and mobility has left these two components divided. What if in this war between having strong muscles or mobile joints, there was a way to train both simultaneously? In fact! These two integral components of Gymnastic Strength Training™ are not mutually exclusive. With the aid of weighted mobility

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Obliterate Your Bad Fitness Habits! Start Fresh With These 5 Simple Tips

GymnasticBodies female athlete demonstrates a neck and trap stretch.

It’s easy to get stuck in a rut and lose motivation to get back into your daily at-home or gym workout routine. That’s why you need a strategy that will help to reignite the fire! We all know there are a million reasons to maintain a steady exercise routine and healthy dietary habits. The results

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Top Notch Training Revealed: Extraordinary Work Capacity Yields Colossal Strength Gains!

GymnasticBodies athlete demonstrates upper body and core strength with a side lever.

Have you earned the right to workout with intensity? Unleash your hidden potential for unbelievable strength and physical expression! With consistency, patience, and an unrivaled training program, you can begin making substantial progress with your training. At the core of GymnasticBodies Training is an incredible amount of high-quality training in a set period of time.

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