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I am curious to see how everyone is progressing in their training. And I'd like to see who has some of the more advanced skills like the cross or planche on the forums. So please post an estimate or the exact day you started working the skills and your progress in them. I started about mid summer 2008 and I weigh 98 pounds.

Pistols (+15 pounds)

Tuck Planche

Tuck front lever

Tuck back lever

Pike Handstand press against a wall

L seat

Dips (not on rings) (+30 pounds)

Pull ups (not on rings) (+20 pounds)

I pretty proud with the results so far because I was one weak little asian before and now I have a bit of strength! Also I went from 90 pounds to 98 pounds! Post your current progress and it might get others determined to work harder!

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Hope you don't mind me asking. How old are you? 98 is pretty small(no offense).

As for me, I started getting fit in January. I can do upwards of 15 pull-ups from a dead hang, no kip. Same with dips on rings.

L-Sit on rings for 15s.

Tuck front lever 20s, tuck back lever 30s. Tuck planche 7s.

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I started exercising and stuff 3 years ago when I was 13 cause I was kinda fat. I train very unregularly so I haven't made any big gains. But so far I have achieved (I started with nothing):

Tuck Planche 20s

Advanced Tuck Front Lever 30s

Back Lever 5s

L-seat 20s

Handstand (freestanding without moving) 45s

Bent Arm Straddle Press to Handstand

Pullups 20

Dips 20

2400 meter run - 10 minutes

So now I'm 16, 180cm high (around 5'9) and weigh 74kg (163). I'm quite happy with my progression even if it took me 3 years.

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5'11 at 172 pounds.

Body weight:

Straddle press to handstand


Back lever

Elbow lever to handstand

Nearly had the cross then stopped training!

Use to have a front lever then stopped training it, but I'm getting back to it.

Still have my straddle planche on parallel bars, as for on the floor I still have some kinks with it.

26 pullups

One arm let down, basically the negative of a pullup/chinup

And of course I'm going to list barbell stuff to:

Bench(don't laugh because I bench :P ) 250 pounds

Squat somewhere around 270 about above

I rarely max out on barbell exercises

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Started training on my birthday approximately 3.5 years ago. Currently 5'8" 135 lbs.


Back lever, front lever, cross (5s+ holds), straddle planche (rings, parallettes, floor), one arm elbow levers, english handstands, vertical legs V-sit, etc.


4 OAC each arm (although now down to 2ish.. retraining), straddle press, pike press, elbow levers -> handstand, hollow back presses, dip swings to handstand, rings press handstands, etc. Pretty much everything you see on Jim's http://www.beastskills.com.


1 RM dip = +170 lbs, 1 RM pullup = +130 lbs, 1 RM muscle up = +70 lbs, 3 RM DL = 285 lbs (only a couple times & a while back), broad = 9'5", vert = 30"

Main advice:

Stay consistent. You're not going to get everything in a day or a month or even a year. Keep training at least 3-5 times a week and make sure you're always challenging your body. Take time off for injuries if you need to because getting injured more means you'll be out for longer. Rest days after a couple of hard days worth of work are awesome.

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Started training on my birthday approximately 3.5 years ago. Currently 5'8" 135 lbs.


Back lever, front lever, cross (5s+ holds), straddle planche (rings, parallettes, floor), one arm elbow levers, english handstands, vertical legs V-sit, etc.


4 OAC each arm (although now down to 2ish.. retraining), straddle press, pike press, elbow levers -> handstand, hollow back presses, dip swings to handstand, rings press handstands, etc. Pretty much everything you see on Jim's http://www.beastskills.com.


1 RM dip = +170 lbs, 1 RM pullup = +130 lbs, 1 RM muscle up = +70 lbs, 3 RM DL = 285 lbs (only a couple times & a while back), broad = 9'5", vert = 30"

Main advice:

Stay consistent. You're not going to get everything in a day or a month or even a year. Keep training at least 3-5 times a week and make sure you're always challenging your body. Take time off for injuries if you need to because getting injured more means you'll be out for longer. Rest days after a couple of hard days worth of work are awesome.

impressive, is your weighted muscle-up on rings, or bar, slow or fast. Also your weighted dip is huge for your weight, have you tried a one arm dip? I don't even know how it would really look, but it sounds like you have the dipping strength to play around with it.

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Started training on my birthday approximately 3.5 years ago. Currently 5'8" 135 lbs.


Back lever, front lever, cross (5s+ holds), straddle planche (rings, parallettes, floor), one arm elbow levers, english handstands, vertical legs V-sit, etc.


4 OAC each arm (although now down to 2ish.. retraining), straddle press, pike press, elbow levers -> handstand, hollow back presses, dip swings to handstand, rings press handstands, etc. Pretty much everything you see on Jim's http://www.beastskills.com.


1 RM dip = +170 lbs, 1 RM pullup = +130 lbs, 1 RM muscle up = +70 lbs, 3 RM DL = 285 lbs (only a couple times & a while back), broad = 9'5", vert = 30"

Main advice:

Stay consistent. You're not going to get everything in a day or a month or even a year. Keep training at least 3-5 times a week and make sure you're always challenging your body. Take time off for injuries if you need to because getting injured more means you'll be out for longer. Rest days after a couple of hard days worth of work are awesome.

impressive, is your weighted muscle-up on rings, or bar, slow or fast. Also your weighted dip is huge for your weight, have you tried a one arm dip? I don't even know how it would really look, but it sounds like you have the dipping strength to play around with it.

Rings + slightly bent arms. Did +65 lbs starting from straight. As for speed the transition it's not really either -- you do have to pull quickly/powerfully but even then it's not like you're going that fast cause it's heavy.

I have done a one arm dip. Has to be next to a ledge though as free floating the pushing angle gets too awkward. Next to a ledge I have done both parallel to the ledge & facing it -- facing it is slightly harder. And for the record, OA HSPU is pretty insane.. you need much more pressing strength than this.

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If I warmup, my back levers are solid. I can sort of do an ice cream maker as I typically do one into a 360 err straight body skin the cat but generally swing from a piked german hang to lever. Sometimes trying anything without a warmup taxes me though.

Last night I did 5 pistols holding a 25lb DB in goblet squat fashion. I can do them overhead and I think I could hold one DB in each hand and do the pistol but it ain't happening overhead, yet. I can do pistols like a dancing cossack or jump from one to the other. I haven't tried for height or distance yet.

I can do a bent arm body lever but can't seem to hit horizontal on the straight arm variant.

10 pullups, 12 dips. These may have been hampered by my left hand though. I couldn't really test hanging leg lifts either due to left hand. Awhile back I could do generally 20 or so in support or hang. Lsit around a minute+.

VJ is around 2 feet at 60 inches tall+. So basically 33%. It's ok. Not shitty, but ok.

I can MU if I pike my hips when transitioning but not a straight body MU.

My press HS sucks, but it always has sucked and wasn't pretty when I had it. I haven't really played with too many HS lately due to hand, elbow, wrist issues. Before I could walk one length of floor and probably HSPU. I seem to have improved my PB HS, so maybe I can pushup there too now.

I can BW BP@165x6 so that would be around 190, though I think I could do 200 if I was fresh. Pffft. Shoulder press is probably around 130 or 140, BS around 300+ and DL more than that. My clean is at 165, but mainly cause my form is crap so snatch is around 133. I've tried weighted dips and pullups but never really with much weight ( access to ) or doing it in numbers of strength variety.

I retested a lot of BW strength last night to figure out what to program tonight. I'll finish the program tonight do day 1 after I get home from the adult class I have to go sub for.

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  • 1 month later...

5'5", 145-154lbs

Chin-Up 1RM: 110lbs added

Dip 1RM: same

Pull-Up 1RM: 88lbs added

Handstand Push-Up (hands on floor): 25 reps (feet against wall for balance)

Handstand Push-Up (hands on platforms): 10 reps (feet against wall for balance)

Overhead Press 1RM: planning to do 170lbs later in the week or next week

1-Leg Squat: c. 15 reps with a full range of motion, but my balance is usually crap and I often have to hop around between reps while I regain it

Back Squat 1RM: 319lbs (soon to be beaten)

Deadlift 1RM: 440lbs

I'm working towards a 1-armed chin-up. I also practice holding handstands without the aid of a wall, and moving from a planche or tuck planche into a handstand (usually with a wall handy in case I go too far).

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I can do a body lever, but i need to retrain the flag as i was able to do it inverted for awhile and lower.

50lb pistol, 2 25lb DB to chest. Multiple reps. Haven't tried doing jumping pistols with a DB, yet.

I had a two of my boys hang on me while I did a PB dip and eeked out 3. They weighed 90lbs together.

I tested doing 2 pullups on HB with a 70lb kid but I think I could do more. I played a rope climb game with the boys just before doing no leg rope climbs though they also stole my rope. I think that killed my pull. Did manage to do yewkis the other day on rope, but I think that's easier than rings which is easier than doing it on a dead bar or front lever rocking pulls.

DL projected is over 400 and BS probably between 320-350. I don't have access to lift often. 350DL in sets. Clean and Snatch still suck form wise. I think my snatch is a lot better than my clean form.

I did a free HS off the wall the other day for about 30s and still had plenty left in me. I was just supposed to be demoing it and went long. 45 to 1m maybe. Not as good on parallettes, maybe 5-20s, pending but not with what I'd call consistency.

L sit is 1m+ and ring L sit is 30-45s. Tuck planche for 10s, adv tuck for a few, adv tuck front lever for 10 or 15, back lever for 5-10. I can still climb a rope in straddle or L or two hand rope climb which are more fun.

Front splits need some work before I have them again. Middle split/pancake is very close to 180 done cold. Active flexibility is laughable but I can do a no handed bridge which is a fun parlor trick. Basically a back bend where I lift my hands off from bridge and hold.

Most of my training is a mix of heavy lifts, oly lifts, gymnastics, crossfit, and bw training. Weighing around 165 now, but lower body and middle is still way stronger than upper. Never really lost that too much. I think it's harder to lose.

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  • 3 weeks later...

185lbs 5'6" 23y/o

I started training "naked warrior" principals about 5+ years ago (I was 210lbs back then). I couldn't do a single pullup.

MU+20lbs on rings (although I can only do about 4-5 full muscleups total)

max dip: bar=bw+162lbs(?) rings=95lbs

max bench= 320lbs (+?)

max pullup=bw+80lb (dumbbell)

max OH press: bar= 205lbs x 2reps, dumbell=90lbs

deadlift= 465lbs

squat= 365lbs

front squat= 200lbs for 10 reps

pistol= bw +110lbs (left leg) 90lbs (right leg)

I got some other lifts like max windmills, turkish getups and sots press but they are kind of off subject.

My static holds are getting better but I am still an infant at gymnastics compared to these guys :P

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Pausing in straddle planche and front lever is possible but not moving dynamically in/with it such as pullup rock to front lever or pull to candle.

Still having a helluva time going from elbow lever to HS. Need to try this warmed up and fresh like most things.

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