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Brandon Wynn teaches a thing or two!

Niels Joergensen

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Niels Joergensen

the "fittest" man on earth gets a hand on experience with Brandon Wynn. Pretty cool! Poor crossfit guy!

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Michael Traynor

VERY interesting :) thanks for the post.

I wonder how Brandon's coach would respond to him telling cross fitters to lean their triceps on their scraps during back levers! Naughty!

I love the "fittest man on earth" I hear he loves all those ultra marathon runners eating dust, I don't want to be the first to start this session on Crossfit-bashing but all I can say is watching this video makes me sooooo grateful to Coach S and team and this community, so grateful I don't do crossfit.

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I've been on GB for close to 3 years now and feel pretty happy with where it has taken me. I had been looking into Crossfit at the time and just decided it wasn't for me which is how I ended up at GB (via Ido).

Last week (Memorial Day here) a friend of mine who works out at a crossfit box convinced me to workout with her as they were doing a special workout that day. It was "Murph". I find these workout names a bit silly but that's their business. It consisted of:

  • [*:rq2g06w8]1 mile run
    [*:rq2g06w8]100 pull ups
    [*:rq2g06w8]200 push ups
    [*:rq2g06w8]300 air squats
    [*:rq2g06w8]1 mile run

I am no spring chicken and I was a bit apprehensive but I have to say I soldiered through the entire thing in under an hour. The instructor dude completed this wearing a 20 lb weight vest which was impressive (though his pull ups were those oddball 'circular' kipping variety that look like the person is just rowing a bar in front of them). There were 8 people doing the workout, all regular crossfitters and from what I can tell they were all pretty gassed by the end. I got through half of the pull ups before switching to the modified assisted version (angled bar pull up with ankles on floor) and all but 50 of the push ups before putting my knees down.

The point of all this is that I have never done a CF workout before but managed to keep up fairly well with the regulars. I think the strength I've gained from my GB workouts definately transferred over. After viewing the video I think it's pretty obvious that CF skills don't transfer necessarily well to GB.

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Niels Joergensen

I wonder how Brandon's coach would respond to him telling cross fitters to lean their triceps on their scraps during back levers! Naughty!

Actually the vast majority of BLs in competition that I've seen is done strongly depressed and protracted with the arms locking into the lats. as brandon says it alows for better transitions for moves like planches/malteses etc.

everyone pretty much does it more or less. at least it seems to me!

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Michael Traynor
Actually the vast majority of BLs in competition that I've seen is done strongly depressed and protracted with the arms locking into the lats. as brandon says it alows for better transitions for moves like planches/malteses etc.

everyone pretty much does it more or less. at least it seems to me!

Hah, yeah you are right, I wouldn't blame any gymnast for using this technique and would expect it too, I just wouldn't recommend it as a training technique for novices without the prep that Brandon has done on his bicep tendons throughout his lifetime of training.

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Coach Sommer
So this might be why some gymnasts find the maltese easier than the planche.

Not at all.

The advice presented in the video is simply an instance of an elite gymnast not being aware of the correct progressions for, and strength limitations of, beginners and intermediate level athletes (something that is a rather common occurence by the way).

If you are a high level gymnast like Brandon and are training an azarian to maltese or BL pull to maltese, use the aforementioned technique. Otherwise beginners should focus on correctly mastering the basics.

Yours in Fitness,

Coach Sommer

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Ah I see now, thanks for the enlightenment Coach. I remember forum moderator Blairbob posting about hearing some gymnasts finding the maltese easier than the planche due to a trick that works with the maltese, but not the planche and a youtube user from another video saying that you could lock your arms to your lats to make the maltese easier, so I mistakenly thought this was the trick.

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Mats Trane
but all I can say is watching this video makes me sooooo grateful to Coach S and team and this community, so grateful I don't do crossfit.


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Mats Trane

Now I saw it written under the video:

CrossFit's 2010 Games world champion and Fittest Man on Earth.

It must be a joke right? It cant be true!

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sometimes, for very strong people they can forget the beginning,

they can take it as obviouse that if they that strong and can do it that easly,

so it must easy for others too, it's actually can be difficult to remember that sometimes,

that what they do is not that obviouse and easy and how to explain it to a begginer,

it can happen to anyone, i still think he is a great athlete!

stuff that i do to remind myself that it's not that easy and obviouse,

is to help coach people that are just beginning with it, i do it a lot, and they usually get great results, and i learn a lot about what they struggle with the most, and try to find the most effective way to overcome it, and help that with it,

an other thing i do is , to document all my training, espasially the beggining, to remind myself,

how it was at that time , and how i got to what i can do now, to remind my that it's not obviouse,

at each beginning of a training session i go to, i remind myself 2 things, where i came from, and where i'm going to

anyway check out his new videos



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  • 4 weeks later...
Vincent Stoyas

Aside from a the negativity of Crossfit, it did do one thing, it brought me here. I only did a month of crossfit before switched over. I found the gymnastics portion of it and and I knew that's what I needed to be doing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hopefully it is not too offtopic, but I don't want to create new topic only for this :oops: .

Look who is on the cover of M&F :) :


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