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Mens floor routines would be more epic if.......


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They did things like this


some other different stuff




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Some artistry would be nice as most routines tend to lack some, if any but this is also due to the scoring system. It doesn't really reward artistry nor require it. Expending extra energy for it is a waste and the bulk of audiences don't want to see men dance and prance like a cheerleader or male sports aerobics.

Occasionally you'll see some breaker moves but again they have no value. And it just makes you more tired which really sucks as their tends to be lots of tumbling passes now because the code favors skill difficulty value.

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Love the front splits planche at 0:34 in the third video; never seen that done before!

Does anyone have a video of a girl performing a full planche? I've heard tales of female handbalancers that can do it, but haven't seen it myself. With so many that can do straddle planches I'm sure there are girls out there busting out full planches as well.

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