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The HAPPY Thread!

Quick Start Test Smith

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Quick Start Test Smith

Does anyone else ever get a flood of optimism and happiness every once in a while? Especially after a tough training session really early in the morning that you really didn't want to do? I get it a lot... especially after training.

It just seems that you know you can deal with whatever you're faced with and that everything is so much nicer afterwards. I guess that's why I train early. Everything afterwards seems better!

"For teh Happy!" :D:D:D:D:D

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"Happy. Happy. Joy. Joy. Happy. Happy. Joy. Joy." :lol:

I've experienced that feeling of euphoria. Sometimes when I'm trying out something in the office, I forget where I am. Fortunately I have server rooms on both sides of me and they usually aren't occupied. So I haven't had anyone come check on me after a victory yell. :oops:

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Joshua Naterman

What rolls down stairs, comes over in pairs, rolls over your neighbor's dog?

It fits on your back, it's great for a snack... it's LOG, LOG, Log!!!


Man I get happy feelings like that all the time. It's great.

Daily tire intervals, besides getting me ripped in a retardedly short amount of time, really feel great afterwards! It's amazing how fast my anaerobic capacity is going up. There's no soreness at all but I work myself into the ground. I love it! It's starting to make me feel like I did when BUD/S couldn't offer more than a moderate physical challenge, and at the end of each workout the feeling of having pushed as far as I can go is fantastic!

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Quick Start Test Smith

Happy happy joy joy indeed! :lol:

Sliz, you saying that reminds me of, "Logogogogogogogogogogogog!" (get that reference? ;) If you didn't, "Bloooood aaaand vinageerrrr!!!"


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Quick Start Test Smith
If I am not mistaken it was "Logalogalogalogalog" right? Because his name was Logalog, not Loglog :P

You're right! It was Log-A-Log.



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Richard Hamilton

I had this feeling today after doing the WOD (which felt like pretty hard work) down at the park. I had a play around on the pull up bars after and managed my first Pullover from a deadhang. This is one of the reasons I do this and it never ceases to amaze me the progress you can make! Love it! :D

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Mark Bernacchi

My personal experience with this came when I was barefoot water skiing last friday. I have made little progress because of injury so few opportunities to enjoy my gains, but it was awesome when I realized how much my grip had improved. In the past my forearms have been destroyed every time I went barefooting but last Friday I was doing a longer run than usual and somewhere in there I realized "Whoah my forearms aren't even tired!" It was awesome. Glad to see how much carryover in forearm endurance I've been getting even from just minor ring work!

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  • 2 weeks later...

First Round of Bar Exams done!

You can not imagine, how happy I am right now. Finally I have at least somewhat of a life again. I can not wait to get back to training.

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Quick Start Test Smith

Congrats, Rower! I can imagine how time consuming that has been!

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