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For Those Interested In "Paleo Diets"


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These are must reads:

http://www.johnberardi.com/articles/nut ... built2.htm

This first one explains what Neanderthals looked like and some other interesting things. Did you know Neanderthal is pronounced with a hard T?

http://www.johnberardi.com/articles/nut ... built2.htm

And this second one describes how and what they ate and makes the statement: "There really was no "paleo" diet. Interesting as well.

Hope everyone enjoys

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Scott Malin

Both parts are interesting reads, however from an academic standpoint I'm not sure why his personal tick against a particular iteration of "paleo" fits into the article. It isn't solid rhetoric. Robb or Ido would be better suited to discuss the article point-by-point but the principles there and those here are largely the same. Compare:

Your best bet is to follow the 10 Habits we outline in our Gourmet Nutrition book [advertise oneself much?]. These are:

1) Eat every 2-3 hours

2) Eat lean, complete protein with each meal

3) Eat veggies with each meal

4) Eat "other" carbs only during and after exercise

5) Eat a balanced fat profile containing 1/3 of each type of fat

6) Ditch the calorie-containing drinks

7) Use whole foods as your primary source of nutrition

8) Have 10% foods [Wish he'd explain what he meant by this]

9) Develop food preparation strategies

10) Balance daily food choices with healthy variety

and Ido (http://gymnasticbodies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=40)

A. Eat like a caveman.

B. If it flies, swims, runs or is green - eat it.

C. Eat frequently: 5-9 meals a day, every 2 to 3.5 hours during waking time.

D. Never go hungry. (difficult)

E. Never reach full. (difficult)

F. Move beginners in the nutritional game from specific (a sample menu) to the general. (rules to follow and constructing their own meals)

H. Read and listen to Jonny Bowden, dr. Eric Serrano, dr. Mauro di Pasquale, Charles Poliquin, Loren Cordain, Robb Wolf.

I. There are essential fats, essential Amino Acids (Protein). There is no such thing as essential Carbohydrates. Living without protein and/or fat is impossible in the long run, living with no carbs is an historical fact.

J. Untill you go through the initial metabolic shift, dont come complaining. Things will get better, push through!

I don't see that the two are really at odds. Yes, humans in that age ate what they could, that is largely assumed; but I've never seen the claim that diet alone will make you "ripped like a Neanderthal".

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  • 2 weeks later...

Do you guys think a paleo diet works for all body types and metabolisms? I have read that it has a normalizing effect, so that ectomorphs and endomorphs both benefit.

I have a very fast metabolism, and maintain around 5% bodyfat without being properly on the diet. Would it be necessary to modify the diet allowing some carbs for me?

Also, has anyone had experience with the practical concerns of getting meat several times a day? Im a rock climber, and it could be difficult to get this much lean meat when Im out at the cliff, and on trips. Any ideas on that?

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Fabio Gutierrez

How about going with beef jerky and/or tuna in the pouch? I suppose if you're on a wall two to three days you may want some variety, but then again you've probably got a haul bag or two to carry everything.

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Edward Smith

I think the paleo diet works for all body types. You just need to tailor it to your self, which is the beauty of it. Add some more carbs if you can handle them, if you get more energy, you don't feel sleepy. Add them in the form of fruits and veg, preferably more veggies, you can also bump up your fat intake (I don't know the best way to do this).

Conveniently forms of meat?

- cans of tuna

- boiled eggs

- steaks and roasts! these are easier than you would imagine. Simply cook extra steaks or a bigger roast for dinner, leave them in the fridge (slice the roast), the next day (or later) put them in some sort of lunch-box and put the lunch box inside a cooler bag and take for lunch/snack. I do this for my lunch, the meat stays cool and is as easy as a sandwhich to take and eat.

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Thanks for the responses. Do you guys recommend any post-workout carb "cheating"?

I understand the initial phase is difficult. So, I may have to bite the bullet and stick with it. I tried pure paleo for about 2 days and I was weak in the knees and shaky. Is this the normal reaction? As far as fat, what about getting a lot of olive oil as a source?

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Fabio Gutierrez

Personally, I'll do a little olive oil on a salad, or a teaspoon of it if I'm grabbing a quick bite and need to get some fat. I think a teaspoon of olive oil is about 3 fat blocks in the Zone scheme, *if* your protein source also contains some fat, but I may be mistaken. A little goes a long way. I prefer to stick with nuts and avocados for the good fats, and I add flaxseed oil to my breakfast shakes. It's also good on salads.

Hope that helps!

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So, is 2 weeks a good guess for how long it should take for my body to adjust? Perhaps not fully adjust, but could my performance come back to roughly the same level in that amount of time?

I am about to begin preparing to peak in October, so Im thinking maybe I should wait to switch to this diet after October..

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Fabio Gutierrez

I'm by no means a nutrition expert, but I'd suggest doing the paleo model using Zone proportions. You should still be able to get your carbs that your body is craving, but they wouldn't be from grains or other refined sources, just veggies and fruits. Once you get in that habit, then you can start to take away the carbs a little and concentrate on proteins and fat if you want to. However, if you've got some climbing goals around the corner that you're training for right now I wouldn't disrupt your body with a radical diet change.

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