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Protein Shake good or bad

Cody Clark

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I was wondering if taking supplements, like whey and creatine are a good or bad idea for a 16 year old. I was thinking about taking whey protein for some more protein in my diet. What do you guys think I don't want to hurt my development would taking whey protein hurt my at my age or not. Any suggestions will be appriected,


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Yes, your right to be worried. Whey protein taken to early can stunt your growth, as it prematuraly closes your growth plates...

Lol, kidding. Its just protein taken from dairy, its no different then eating cheese. Its not going to hurt you.

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Joshua Naterman

Both of those should be fine at your age. Keep in mind that this is not medical advice, but also keep in mind that there are tens, if not hundreds of thousands of athletes your age taking the same things and not getting hurt by them.

Make sure you never forget that your diet is the most important thing. When people start taking supplements they often substitute them for some of their regular food without realizing it. Don't do that. Your diet is what you eat, real food, and that has to be solid and stay solid for you to get the most out of your supplements. If you aren't already eating lots of different vegetables and staying away from most junk food then you're not going to get the most from your body and you'll be wasting some of that money you spend on the supplements, because they are supposed to be EXTRA!!! Not replacements!

So remember:

1. Great diet : Lots of veggies, whatever meat you like, lots of healthy fats and no or very little junk.

2. Good sleep: Sleep is when you heal the best. If you're not getting good sleep, you're not going to get the best results from your training.

3. See 1 and 2.

4. See 1 and 2.

5. See 1 and 2.

6. See 1 and 2.

7. Good supplements: Multivitamin, some whey protein and fruit or other carbs pre-workout AND post workout; creatine in the morning and post workout. You can also do pre&post workout with the creatine, but the post-workout is the most important. BCAAs pre&post workout are outstanding too, but that's getting expensive and won't be necessary for a long time anyways, and probably never unless you are well on your way to being a professional athlete.

I know that looks silly, but that actually gives a pretty good picture of where your priorities should be, and what the role of supplements is compared to a great diet and good sleep.

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Whey protein would be fine. Be smart and order it online. I like protein factory myself as it seems the best price per pound and you can blend it and add stuff if you wish.

It can be roughly half the cost sometimes, with shipping.

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